Maggie The Red Hassan

So Hassan Wants to Slime a War Hero?

Already Sen. Maggie (“The Red”) Hassan is pedaling her slander against Don Bolduc, the Republican nominee for US Senate, to replace her. If you haven’t seen it, no problem you will soon be getting glossies in the mail, deluged on TV, and ads in the newspaper. When hearing or seeing these, please keep in mind … Read more

Maggie The Red Hassan

Imagine, Maggie Hassan Stepping on a Bolduc Poster

There is a mistaken notion afoot in our cherished land that you are actually voting for the Democratic Party when you get tired of the reprehensible Republicans and their cowardice in the face of Pelosi and Mitch McConnell’s latest retreat in the face of threatened left-wing media attacks.

Margaret "Maggie" Hassan

Another Maggie Hassan Staffer Headed to Prison

Former Hassan Staffer Jackson Cosko, (now inmate Cosko) doxxed Republican Senators during the Kavanaugh hearings from Maggie’s Senate office. His helper, a current Hassan Staffer at the time, Samantha DeForest-Davis, is also headed to the pokey.

Nobody Covers (Up For) Maggie Hassan Like WMUR

This: Get it? The news, according to #FatLazyAndBiased at WMUR, is that the GOP are trying to make political hay out of Maggie employing two felons, not Maggie employing two felons. Here is how the Hill, hardly a right-wing media source, covered it: A second ex-aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) has been charged in connection with … Read more

Sen. Hassan Cites Fake News Story in Confirmation Hearing

Making her Senatorial debut in the DHS confirmation hearing, Senator Hassan cited her deep concern about the Russians hacking the Vermont power grid as the Washington Post reported a few weeks back.  She evidently didn’t get the update that the story was totally debunked and eventually retracted (fake news strikes again!).  Fortunately for Maggs, General … Read more

Is Governor Maggie Hassan really a champion for women’s rights?

On Friday the New Hampshire Senate was scheduled to vote Senate Bill 116 (SB 116) aka Constitutional Carry in a conference of committee to agree with the house changes. The bill will now make its way to Governor Maggie Hassan’s desk. Hassan already stated, in kabuki theatre with Moms Demand Action of New Hampshire, that … Read more

WMUR’s Closeup – Maggie Hassan on 10/30 edition

Yet another post that kinda got away from me – I forgot about it (D’oh!) and with everyone writing at full steam, the posts (like emails in my Inbox) keep moving further and further down the list.  Face it, if an email goes three or four “page downs”, it pretty much is gone from sight … Read more