Mr. Trump Helps Democrats Discover Religious Liberty

Democrat NH AG Joe Foster, like a lot of Democrat hacks, just played the religious liberty card to support their opposition to the Trump 90-day hiatus on unrestricted travel from terrorist nations. “Religious liberty has been and always will be a bedrock principle of our country and no President can change that truth. Targeting immigrants and … Read more

Portsmouth Police Commissioner Joe Plaia lies about guns in ad

Yesterday a new, fearmongering ad appeared in New Hampshire social media that featuresPortsmouth Police Commissioner Joe Plaia. The ad was created by Independence USA PAC, an out-of-state PAC run by New York City billionaire and gun control addict, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg has been spending millions of dollars to push gun control and Maggie Hassan in New … Read more

NH Ballot Selfie Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

Back in 2014, Democrat New Hampshire House Rep. Timmy Horrigan sponsored a change to election law that would make it illegal to share a picture of your completed ballot online. It passed 156 to 121 (135 Democrats and 21 Republicans favored the change), and Democrat Governor Maggie Hassan Signed it into law. The First Circuit Court of … Read more

Senate Democrats allow NH police chiefs to continue abusing citizens

Today there was a series of votes to override some of Governor Maggie Hassan’s ridiculous vetoes against legislation passed by both the New Hampshire House and Senate. Senate Bill 336, a bill that would end abuse of New Hampshire citizens by police chiefs and other governing authorities over pistol/revolver licensing, was one of them.

NH Gubernatorial Debates – A circus with plenty of clowns

Last night WMUR held two gubernatorial debates – one between the Republican candidates and one between the Democrat candidates. In each debate it seemed some candidates were trying to out-progressive (Democrats) or out-conservative (Republicans) each other.

Comment Doodlings: The Choo-choo train equivalence to the NH Senate Republican Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

Shot: NH Senate President, Republican Chuck Morse – in implementing Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion: this will protect NH Taxpayers Chaser: NH Rep Dale Sprague (D-Somersworth) – in arguing that NH ought to have a choo-choo train to Boston: The House also ignored the fact that the $4 million project development phase can be completed without impacting New Hampshire … Read more

Chris Sununu’s words are, IMHO, a bit strange

Now that the NH FITN Prez Wannabe Beauty Contest is now long gone, we can start turning our attentions to what matters: NH (e.g., “screw DC, save NH”).  That certainly means it’s time to start watching and evaluating NH specific races which certainly includes the Governor one.  Ann Marie Banfield has an extensive email list … Read more

Yesterday Maggie Hassan attacked Senator Kelly Ayotte because she voted against closing the ‘supposed’ terrorist gun loophole. What Hassan failed to mention is that Ayotte wants to vote on closing this ‘supposed’ loophole but with added features like giving innocent people who find themselves on the ‘No Fly List’ or the ‘Terror Watch List’ the … Read more

The Lost Focus Of Terrorism

“I am politically incorrect, that’s true. Political correctness to me is just intellectual terrorism. I find that really scary, and I won’t be intimidated into changing my mind. Everyone isn’t going to love you all the time.”   –Mel Gibson Candidate Donald J. Trump declared that he wants to stop all Muslims from entering the … Read more

2nd Annual ‘Turkey Awards’ in New Hampshire Politics

Last year was this author’s first annual ‘Turkey Awards’ handed out to people or political organization in New Hampshire politics. On Monday they will be discussed on ‘Politically Buzzed.’ It was quite the list last year and again is quite the list this year. These awards are all based on stories written over the past … Read more

Open carry versus concealed carry: Size matters

On Tuesday the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire held a press conference to discuss the results of a poll they conducted. The poll proves that a majority of Granite Staters are against allowing the state-sanctioned discrimination of the current pistol license law to continue. The poll also showed that a whopping 89% of voters … Read more

The Hypocrisy, intolerance and deplorable treatment of Yvonne Dean-Bailey by Maureen Mann and Democrats

May 19th will be a special election in Rockingham District 32 which incorporates Nottingham, Northwood, Deerfield and Candia. The candidates in the running are Yvonne Dean-Bailey (Republican) and Maureen Mann (Democrat). Maureen Mann is a former state rep who lost her re-election bid which means she has a voting record. Yvonne Dean-Bailey is a college … Read more

Did the NH Senate give birth to the “Speaker Scam” in the House?

In what was often an insanely frustrating (the live feed kept going down) and sometimes amusing election for Speaker of the House on Wednesday, Republican Representative Shawn Jasper was elected as Speaker by a majority of Democrats. The majority in the Republican Caucus voted for O’Brien. If you recall, the Republican race for Speaker was … Read more

GraniteGrok Endorsement Bill O’Brien for NH Speaker of the House: His Consistency has created Trust – please give him your Vote

That from the meme of “Consistency breeds Trust yields Votes”, and yes, NH House Representatives, we at GraniteGrok are unanimous in endorsing Bill O’Brien once again for the most powerful political position in New Hampshire.  Beyond “deserving” it (a hackneyed worn our phrase in this Entitlement Age), he has earned it.  While we have a … Read more

If “TEA Party”, “Right Wing”, and “Extremists” didn’t exists as words, the NH Democrat Party would be speechless

Oh yeah, let’s also add “Free Stater” to that list, too!  Take those words out of their lexicon, all you’d have left would be jaws going up and down.  Without those adjectives (hurled as epithats), they’d have nothing to say and no one to excoriate.  And that would suck for them.  Listen to Ray Buckley, … Read more