Executive Council Protest Gets Ugly Over Orwellian Federal COVID Grants  

Today, New Hampshire’s Executive Council was set to hold a session at which they were potentially going to vote on federal COVID grants.

Many Granite Staters have been calling and emailing the council, asking them to vote against accepting the grants due to the federal mandates that the grants require such as ‘complying’ with any directives and guidelines regarding COVID from the Biden Administration.

Federal COVID Grant Issues

Two of the issues that protesters have are with a vaccine registry:

Biden Vaccine Registry
Screen capture from Federal COVID Grant

As well as the requirement that the State of New Hampshire, if they accept these federal funds, must ‘comply’ with federal ‘directives and guidelines’ regarding COVID:

Screen capture from Federal COVID Grant

These are just two of the most obvious issues. By accepting these grants, New Hampshire no longer can make its own decisions on how to respond to COVID. They are mandated to ‘comply’ with whatever lunacy the Biden Administration decides.

This is a HUGE problem. The hacks in D.C. know nothing about New Hampshire or Granite Staters. It is not their place to make decisions about how the state works.


Most protesters were peacefully assembling to protest these federal grants. There were hundreds according to Carla Gericke, who was outside St. Anselm’s, where the EC meeting was being held:

There were; however, some protesters, who were inside the meeting, who were not peacefully protesting:

Yes, Granite Staters are angry. Yes, the mandates in this federal funding are egregious, Orwellian, and despicable, but behaving this way takes away from WHY people are protesting in the first place and firmly plants the narrative on the behavior of a few people.

The EC ended the meeting before it really even began.


And of course, ALL of the protesters are being lumped in with these few, who served absolutely zero purpose with their behavior. Authoritarian Democrats in the state are now calling them ‘insurrectionists:’

Screenshot of NH House Dem Statement
Democrats Call Protesters ‘Insurrectionists’

Warmington is the lone Democrat on the Executive Council (thankfully) and she blatantly LIES in this tweet. She knows exactly why people are against accepting the federal funds:

And of course, New Hampshire’s most useless senator chimes in. She’s apparently FOR the federal government making decisions over the State of New Hampshire AND its citizens:

RebuildNH, who was part of the protest that occurred outside of the meeting, released the following statement this afternoon:


EAST DERRY, N.H.— RebuildNH organized a protest outside the Executive Council meeting this morning to show solidarity against the federal government’s efforts to force vaccine propaganda and U.S. Health and Human Services Department control over New Hampshire citizens, specifically a $27 million multi-faceted federal grant that the body was slated to vote on today.

Unfortunately, a handful of individuals not connected to our organization disrupted councilors as they attempted to attend to the people’s business. Despite efforts to direct public discourse by way of letters, emails, and peaceful demonstrations outside the building, these agitators were able to feed off people’s raw emotion and misdirect them.

“There are thousands of New Hampshire citizens who are angry and hurt because they are losing their jobs,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH. “We want to be a vehicle for them to express themselves peacefully and civilly in order to restore the people’s liberty in New Hampshire. Admittedly, we poorly articulated our intentions for this meeting, and will attempt to communicate better going forward.”

RebuildNH organized concerned citizens to urge the Executive Council not to accept federal grants because of the strings attached. On page 17 of the grant documents, acceptance of the funds would require New Hampshire to: “1) comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the [U.S. Health and Human Services] Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19; 2) in consultation and coordination with HHS, provide, commensurate with the condition of the individual, COVID-19 patient care regardless of the individual’s home jurisdiction and/or appropriate public health measures (e.g., social distancing, home isolation); and 3) assist the United States Government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation.”

“We wanted the executive council to vote down this grant today and to stop the federal usurpation of state sovereignty,” said Melissa Blasek, executive secretary of RebuildNH and a Republican state representative for Merrimack. “Our members will continue to peacefully implore their elected officials to reject these federal funds and educate the public and elected officials about the harm they are doing to our citizens.”

RebuildNH will be advising members that future protest action should remain civil in order to effectively invoke change.

It’s completely understandable why Granite Staters are angry. EVERYONE should be angry about what the Biden Administration is doing to the American people and every single Granite Stater, regardless of their political affiliation, should be against the federal government telling New Hampshire how to run itself.

Given the Biden Administration’s horrific mandates to date, mandates that are DIRECTLY harming people across New Hampshire, every single person should be fighting against accepting these federal funds. Unfortunately, the few obnoxious protesters made the story about their behavior, rather than the reason so many people were rightfully protesting against the grants.

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