Pine Tree Ramblings – Vol 10

by Tom

Pine TreeLeftists (Liberals, Democrats) sure are in a tailspin these days.  And it sure is great to see.

They pick these whacky, self-proclaimed Socialist bartenders who can’t function though a media interview.  They have issue-du-jour Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), where each day brings a new “critical issue”, worthy (in their minds) of impeaching the President: Helsinki, preceded by Right to Work, SCOTUS picks, Russia, Voter ID, Separating Families, Russia, Net Neutrality, Border Walls, Russia and Stormy Daniels, etc..  Honestly, I don’t know how they keep all these things straight.  Funny how none of them ever seem to stick.  “Schizophrenic” comes to mind.

But let me focus, just for today, on some Democrat-on-Democrat action.  You don’t see it often (due to their lemming, group-think mentality) and you highlight it when it happens.

Maura Sullivan is running for Congress in New Hampshire’s District-1.  She is being touted as a darling, Liberal wet-dream candidate due to the combination of her female anatomy, her ties to the Obama administration, her Harvard degree and having served as a US Marine.

Problem is, Sullivan isn’t from New Hampshire – she’s from Illinois.  Like Maggie Hassan, she was recruited from another state to run here, presumably because New Hampshire Democrats can’t find a qualified Liberal to replace the retiring, incompetent Carol Shea-Porter.


Harken back to 2014, when Scott Brown tried to grab our open US Senate seat, and we heard NH Democrats wail that he was a “carpetbagger” even before he officially launched his campaign.  Being one of their own, it is no surprise that Liberals won’t fly that flag against Sullivan now, even though she has less of a New Hampshire connection than Brown (I suspect she drove up from Harvard to see the foliage and visit Conway once or twice – does that count?)

With one exception.

I have disagreed with NH Labor News 100% of the time over the years.  But because of this article, that will have to change to 99.999999% (one in a million).   Don’t get me wrong – I’m not about to start having drinks with them, and I know they are only doing this because they have a woody for “Pajama Boy” Chris Pappas – but I’ll declare agreement and exploit it nonetheless.


The article shows that Sullivan has raised more than $900K for her election in the first two quarters.  Who raises that much money so fast in New Hampshire for a Congressional seat?  You guessed it – a Manchurian Candidate.  Sullivan is a propped-up recruit who is receiving massive out-of-state money.  How much out-of-state money, you ask?  Well, about 96% of that $900K, which comes to a whopping $842K.

In fact, most of Sullivan’s donations are large in nature, coming from big-money areas in Massachusetts like Weston, Cambridge, Concord, Lexington (oh, the irony) and Boston.  It was also pointed out that New Hampshire doesn’t even make the top-ten list of donation locations. (see graphic at bottom of page).

CD-1 Money Chart

It doesn’t take much to see that Sullivan was plucked from a casting lineup to be a puppet Representative in DC, answering to the Leftist ruling class, not NH citizens.

Despite their love for Chris Pappas, I suspect NH Labor News wouldn’t usually make an issue of this type of thing unless it was THIS BAD.  So, some credit is due.

Be sure to pass this along to your Liberal friends.  I’m sure they’ll see the insanity of the Maura Sullivan candidacy and vote for Chris Pappas in their primary; which is good, because he has no chance in hell of winning the general election in this era of Trump and good old-fashioned Liberal schizophrenia.


Graphics credit: NH Labor News


  • Tom

    New Hampshire resident. Patriot. Proud to live in a state and country with Constitutions like ours. Disgusted how our governments ignore them. I am determined to help correct that.

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