Exposing the Fraud: They Make Climate “Fudge” Over at NOAA, Too!

Science used to be about comparing reality to your theory. These days it is about reshaping the perception of reality until it proves your theory. Global Warming (dba: climate change) is an excellent example. With the earth refusing to satisfy any of their predictions, the experts have taken to tampering with data.

UN IPCC logo

UN Caught In Climate Change Cover-Up

If the “experts” were right, I should be writing this article from a dingy while floating down an overfilled White River. I’m not. In fact, the river is so low I can’t put a dingy in it.

ice Image by Brigitte from Pixaby

Is This The Warmest Pile of Climate Cult Crap On Record?

The call of the climate cultist rings through the halls of the media and out into the world. The last [blank] was the warmest [blank] on record. Or, maybe it was in the top three or four of something awful but just don’t look into it yourselves. Trust us.


The Goal of the “Climate Change” Movement (Ironically) is a Political Climate in Which Nothing Changes

The Left’s irrefutable climate hypothesis, Al Gore’s invisible-flying-spaghetti-monster (if you like), is the creator of all things. Warm, cold, rain, drought, famine, migration, ED, all of it. The cure is for you to give up modern living. Not them you. To get there from here, the Left desperately needs you to believe things like “warming” … Read more

The Climate fear-mongering has gotten out of hand at the State House

Democrat legislators in NH and other states are coming up with all kinds of crazy carbon tax plans along with bills that could potentially give tyrannical powers, in the hope of controlling “greenhouse gas” output.  These bills are destructive to the free and unbiased practice of science by codifying a revenue stream that is reliant … Read more

Weather Cycles vs. Climate Alarmists

Climate change is hot again (pun intended) after Greta Thunberg gave her speech with tears and passion. I honestly thought it sounded like a fantastic narration to a movie trailer. Sadly, it’s not a movie; it’s real life. The totalitarian left has taken this girl and turned her into a puppet to promote lies and … Read more

Climate Change Is Real … And We Need To Act Now.

“Climate Change” … the notion that mankind’s activities are warming the planet and that we have reached a tipping point, and if we don’t act immediately to curtail these activities … using fossil fuels to heat our homes, eating meat, sipping from plastic straws, etc. etc. etc. … life on this planet will end in … Read more

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Prepare Yourself: Climate Alarmists Are Coming…

The Spring was unusually cold. And it took forever for summer to get here but it has arrived (finally). And along with it, stories about how hot is. The Union Leader joined the chorus today with a piece titled “Heat could break records in NH.” Do tell!