NIPCC Reports Walk-Backs and Refutes Alarmist Climate Predictions

Panel of  Scientists says UN Study Retreats, Misleads, and Misinforms A panel of 50 scientists from 15 countries says the newest report from the United Nations on climate change is filled with concessions that its past predictions were too extreme and contains “at least 13 misleading or untrue statements and 11 further statements that are … Read more

Climate Depressions, Tropical and Otherwise [Updated]

While Climate Cultists pray for devastation – as if it will justify their faith in an irrefutable hypothesis – the lack of tropical depressions has been superseded by other bad news for climateers. New Zealand, for example, will no longer tax cow farts to save the planet.

Climate Change and Gravity Are Kind of Different

In the wake of the recent floods in Vermont, it is no surprise that the climate change activists have gone into “See! See! See!” mode and are labeling anyone who disagrees with their conclusions as a “denier.” In two separate op-eds, two state senators, Dick McCormack (D-Windsor) and Tanya Vyhovsky (D/P-Chittenden Central), tried to equate … Read more

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Is This The Biggest Climate Cult Lie Ever?

The Climate Cult’s record is not good. Their “frontmen” keep making predictions that never come true. Their prescriptions are not “green.” And there is no evidence that their “cure” will result in the changes prophesized. There is, however, evidence that it won’t.

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Pfizer Releases New Climate Change Vaccine

Catastrophic Climate Change is happening all around the world and the executives at Pfizer believe they have the cure. A new Climate Change Vaccine (CCV) has been developed and is currently being tested on unsuspecting people throughout the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, West America, and some islands. “It’s getting really … Read more