The Goal of the “Climate Change” Movement (Ironically) is a Political Climate in Which Nothing Changes

The Left’s irrefutable climate hypothesis, Al Gore’s invisible-flying-spaghetti-monster (if you like), is the creator of all things. Warm, cold, rain, drought, famine, migration, ED, all of it. The cure is for you to give up modern living. Not them you. To get there from here, the Left desperately needs you to believe things like “warming” is responsible for cooling.

Related: Quick Reminder About Just How Bad Wind Power is for the Planet

And lest you forget, the irrefutable hypothesis is CO2-driven. Airborne plant food, exhaled breath, and whatever escapes the tailpipes of cows and cars. Meatless Mondays become meatless every day unless you are a John Kerry or Barry Obama, or Albert Gore.

And baby, it’s cold outside.

But thirty years ago, CO2 was going to cook us in our Dockers (Dickies, Chinos, Levis). Masseuse groper and professional prevaricator Al Gore won an Oscar and a piece of a Nobel Prize for scaring people to advance third-world economic policy. Three decades of failed predictions along, and they are still at it.

According to the same experts – or their grant riding ideological offspring – we could just as easily freeze to death because of Global Warming, one of the few almost-half-truths learned this week in Texas.

When you rely on ‘Warmist’ Climate-Changer BS to define energy policy, you may well freeze to death if it gets cold.

The result of overheated rhetoric, not CO2.

Climate Change is not about the weather; it is about economics. A global effort to move western capitalism toward Marxism. Yet another almost-half-truth. Their climate religion will chill markets, prosperity, individual initiative, and the potential to rise out of poverty.

In their economic climate, it will be a cold day in hell when some average schlep from a “bad neighborhood” can rise to wealth and influence without force and the blessing of the One-Party State.

If you are not already rich, connected, and plugged into their ideology (or descended from those people), the chances of success are frozen solid. No movement.

What they mean by climate change is a political state in which nothing changes.

It is a political caste with a ruling class and serfs: nobility and peasants. It is a world where they are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and you are the opposite, and nothing about that ever changes.

And yes, the climate will continue to change because they couldn’t do anything about that, even if that’s what they meant.

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