Find a scientist — just one — who says the climate prediction models are credible

Climate Science Challenge. Find a scientist — just one — who says the climate prediction models are credible: — Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) December 28, 2016 Scott Adams So today’s challenge is to find a working scientist or PhD in some climate-related field who will agree with the idea that the climate science models do … Read more

Climate Model True Believers are the Ones Taking an Unscientific Approach

Guest Post by James Ring IPCC Third Assessment Report Chapter 14 Section Last paragraph: “In sum, a strategy must recognize what is possible. In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” … Read more

Wacky Cambridge Prof Who Predicted Zero Arctic Ice is Adviser to Climate-Pope Francis

Peter Wadhams is something of a favourite at [Bishop Hill], his researches into the paranormal, his physics-free sea-ice predictions and his concerns about assassination [of Pro-Global Warming Scientists] having provided readers with much entertainment over the years. The last of these claims led to an official complaint to the Press Regulator, but it seems that … Read more

Even in a global UN poll, climate change concerns rate dead last.

This mirrors pretty much every poll I’ve seen here in the US – the only people that seem to care about global cooling / global warming / climate change / climate disruption are those that see a way to show their true Watermelonese (Green on the outside, Red on the inside (the FORMER meaning of … Read more

Shaman’s at UN Predict End of the World (Again) if We Keep Ignoring their Climate Voodoo

The Shaman’s at the United Nations Intergovernmental Plunderers for Climate Cash (IPCC) have eyed the computerized goat-entrails yet-again and determined that the failure of sinners to repent will result in even greater global pain and suffering than all previous predictions combined, or something.  (Pick up your environmentally friendly ‘The end is Near” sandwich boards at … Read more

The NIPCC Report on Climate – A Non Political Finding By People Not Looking For Government Handouts

This would be the fourth report, but given that the IPCC has jumped another shark in its pursuit of “research” that explains its conclusions, we need to post this. The report, which cites thousands of peer-reviewed articles the United Nations-sponsored panel on climate change ignored, also found that “no empirical evidence exists to substantiate the claim … Read more

In 2007 The IPCC Admitted: The Computer Models Are Crap

Dr. Norman Page, quoting the IPCC, reveals that they have no confidence in their own climate models. And if you can handle some actual science, I suggest you read the whole article. Section IPCC AR4 WG1 8.6 deals with forcings, feedbacks and climate sensitivity. It recognizes the short comings of the models. The conclusions are in section … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Drought and rain

Is It Drought Season Yet?

Water, water everywhere, but get ready for odd, even watering bans. Yes, spring has sprung like a stripper from a giant cake as the whores in government line up to spring regulatory speed bumps at our summertime fun. Will water bans be part of it? Is the Pope a Marxist?

sun sunrise sunset heat wave

The Earth is Warming … Since When?

We’ve had a warm winter where I live. A statist stooge in neighboring Vermont said it’s the warmest winter on record. Oh yeah, since when? The correct answer is since the last time they had a warmer winter because that would mess with the narrative.

RFK Jr - Screen Grab Milan Speech 2

Night Cap: Kennedy’s ‘Giant Sucking Sound’ Threatens Biden

Harrowing predictions of national political division for 2024 have heightened as polls show Joe Biden’s approval ratings plummet. Haters of Donald Trump are froth-mouthed over his clear and growing lead, notwithstanding a pull-out-all-ethical-stops legal and propaganda campaign by Democrats to discredit him and even knock him out of the race.