A Decade of Climate Alarmist Swings and Misses (As in, No Hits, not One)

We’ve covered all of these ridiculous losers over the years, but this bit of video compiles them into a few short minutes. Perfect for trolling the socialists proposing socialist solutions to the non-problem of climate change.

Related: Celebrating 30 Years of Being Completely Wrong

We’ve no reason to believe their run of bad luck will stop nor the predictions that make it possible. The byproduct of decades worth of socialist sympathizers (and actual socialists) pushing socialist solutions to advance socialism in the name of saving the planet (but not from socialism).

Which is odd. Socialism has proven to be more detrimental to the planet than free-market capitalism. Socialist countries are the world’s biggest polluters. But the solution to pollution is to emulate their economic model as closely as possible.

 They may still win the day. Each generation has been programmed to nod their dopey head when people who can’t predict squat announce the end of the world. Then again, and again, after it fails to happen. Given the state of public (and higher) education, we might be a generation away from a majority of super-stupid climate voters who were taught that socialism was what Mother Nature needs.

It is what power-hungry tyrants need, but future “comrades” won’t see that train until it has run them over.

Until then, we fight the fraud for free markets (and the planet) and those who are defending both.

Here’s the video.

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