Dem debate nov

What Do Democrats Mean by “Human Rights?”

Last night Democrats took to the national stage for another debate. I will admit, I only caught about 15 minutes of it. But within those 15 minutes, I heard something from the candidates that I keep hearing from the political left consistently. They keep talking about “human rights.”

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The Patriot Initiative goes to UNH- Interviews with students

Last month, Turning Point USA held an event at UNH in Durham. Charlie Kirk and Senator Rand Paul were the featured speakers. The Patriot Initiative went to get a sense of what students currently think about the culture war. Questions were asked on a few topics facing the nation, including tolerance on college campus. The … Read more

Weather Cycles vs. Climate Alarmists

Climate change is hot again (pun intended) after Greta Thunberg gave her speech with tears and passion. I honestly thought it sounded like a fantastic narration to a movie trailer. Sadly, it’s not a movie; it’s real life. The totalitarian left has taken this girl and turned her into a puppet to promote lies and a false religion.

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The Patriot Initiative- Climate Change forum

Climate change has been a hot topic for years. We now have Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claiming, as extremists have done in the recent past, that we have twelve years left on Earth. There was also a climate change meeting in the seacoast area recently, which consisted of many NH State legislators. Here’s the really cool … Read more

Totalitarianism is alive in Concord- Here’s how we stop it

Just this week, the NH House has passed a massive list of onerous bills that are antithetical to liberty. From banning plastic bags and straws, to anti second amendment bills, one of which will require a 7-day waiting period upon purchasing a firearm, the Democrats have now begun heading into full totalitarian mode. We need … Read more

Death Penalty

How I can be Pro-life and in Favor of the Death Penalty

The death penalty debate has risen once again, and it has Republicans and Conservatives split. I personally am a firm supporter of the death penalty. I am also firmly pro-life. Let’s look at some common reasons people oppose the death penalty and I will provide responses to each argument and explain how I can be … Read more

Is there justification for rebellion and revolution?

There’s a lot of conversation now surrounding rebellion, and breaking rules and laws out of a sense of moral responsibility. Just last month, Merrimack State Representative Rosemarie Rung, verbally went after Merrimack State Representative Jeanine Notter, for refusing to comply with the unconstitutional rule to ban firearms on the House floor of the NH State … Read more

Legislators attempt to remove prayer in schools

Many controversial bills were heard this week, among them was HB289. This bill aims to repeal the ability of public elementary schools to authorize the recitation of the Lord’s prayer. Supporters of the bill spoke today before the House Education Committee and claimed it is unconstitutional. They claimed that it is unnecessary to have a … Read more

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