UN Caught In Climate Change Cover-Up

If the “experts” were right, I should be writing this article from a dingy while floating down an overfilled White River. I’m not. In fact, the river is so low I can’t put a dingy in it.

Perhaps even lower is the integrity of the scientific “experts” surrounding the global warming/climate change catastrophism they’ve been pushing onto the people of Earth since former Vice President Al Gore nominated himself the climate tsar for the world. One might recall the bold and devastating claims he made in his “Inconvenient Truth” documentary, which included:

  • Extinction of the polar bear population
  • Sea levels rising high enough to bury Manhattan
  • All arctic ice would melt away by 2013
  • The great coral reefs would disappear

So far, he’s batting a solid .000 on these predictions, which isn’t just embarrassing for him. It is for the rest of the world who bought into it as well as buying a Prius or a designer set of recycling bins off Etsy to do their part. Global warming, like with COVID-19, only moves policy if you can sufficiently scare the crap out of a maximum number of people willing to believe the doomsday mantra “we’re all in this together.” Only some of us have known it wasn’t a methane problem but a steaming pile of cow pies since the beginning.

The polar bear population, rather than dying off, has exploded to the point of threatening the native Inuit population in Canada. However, experts desperate to save face insist their encroaching southward isn’t due to their increase but thanks to climate change.

How about those sea levels in Manhattan? Rather than admit his error, Gore does what any corrupt expert would do to save face. He simply changes his claim, you know, like how the climate changes. I imagine he couldn’t stomach the thought of being cornered by little Greta Thunberg crying, “how dare you!”

What about that arctic ice recession? How about this quote from the Danish Meteorological Institute:

“The year 2020 is now all-but upon us, Al, and we have clear evidence that the ice at the poles is now not only not melting, it is in fact once again growing, in both thickness and extent (DMI).”


The Great Barrier Reef is also not only not dying but is getting greater by the year. Australians are proud to be its stewards and are even more proud of their efforts to keep it healthy, which they have. Maybe the climate changes backward down under? Who knows.

The real inconvenient truth is that global warming is not taking place. Nor are the schizophrenic weather phenomena of climate change. Storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes have all decreased steadily over the past one hundred years. This makes sense since these atmospheric occurrences are needed to cool the earth and oceans, neither of which have gotten appreciably warmer.

As a result, the catastrophism that animates the global green movement is no longer theoretically viable – it’s definitively been proven false. The honest scientists are admitting as much. However, the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change just had to admit the earth has not warmed in 15 years. This admission wasn’t followed up with contrition toward a world that had upended itself to stop the spread of global warming only to find out it was based on, at best, erroneous scientific theorizing, at worst bald-faced lies. No, the collective embarrassment of the panel found scientists around the world, mostly the European countries who have gone all-in on going green, following Al instead of the science and simply changing the data to suit the narrative.

Science relies on falsifiability, which is different than saying it is open to lies. It’s not. It is by its very nature the pursuit of that which is true for the purpose of giving mankind insights by which to guide how we live faithfully among each other and nature. Those behind and out front of the global warming turned climate change movement don’t understand either the boundaries set by scientific philosophy or the laws that actually keep us safe as a human race.

It appears the same hubris that believes humans are capable of fundamentally transforming the Earth’s climate is in operation of those who believe they can fundamentally transform science to suit their political manipulation of people.

If anything needs to change, it’s that.



  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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