As the IPCC Ramps Up Climate Fear Just How Bad Are These Experts At Predicting?

The so-called experts among the climate consensus are so bad at guessing they couldn’t predict the winner of a one-horse race. We’ve killed a few digital forests reporting their failures, but now that the IPCC is ramped up climate fear, it’s time to do it some more.


As a reminder, they are lousy. None of their predictions have come to pass, which they then claim as a victory in the battle against climate change.

We’ve got over 100 posts like this, many duplicating bits of the others but all of them demonstrating that the political war machine promoting this crap is not interested in saving the planet unless you mean from free markets and class mobility.

The newest effort is more of the same, and as promised, we’re happy to give you yet another example of what the experts tell you and what actually happens HT – Tony Heller.

Large chunks of Manhattan were supposed to be underwater by 2018. That didn’t happen, nor will it as a result of any lifestyle you continue to enjoy. The former NASAhole wasn’t even close, and if we look at prediction by NOAA its’ bastard twin, we find similar failures.

NOAA predictions sea level


At present, the NOAA projections compared to the actual tide readings from Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan look ridiculous.

NOAA predictions reality

And knowing what we know about their past inability to guess correctly – because they are using political science, not climate science, we can guess ourselves that their prediction will fail in epic fashion.

There is no acceleration. The rise continues to mimic the post-mini-ice-age changes, most of which result from geology, not SUV. And while they may think it possible, no amount of your money passing through their hands will change isostatic rebound.

It will, however, incentive more breathless fearmongering by local, national, and global agencies who need those funds to finance their ongoing inability to project anything about the actual climate.

As proof of that, check out this thread by Steve Milloy, who served on the Trump EPA transition team.


And apologies for the duplicate tweet to get the final one in the thread – skip down one.

It’s all smoke, mirrors, and fraud.

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