The intellectual orthagonal “plane” – the Constrained (Conservative) vs Unconstrained (Progressive/Socialist) Outlooks. Never the Twain Shall Meet

The conflicting visions he describes in the book are the constrained or tragic view of human nature and the unconstrained or utopian view. People with a more constrained view of the human condition see mankind as hopelessly flawed. They see inherent limits to human betterment. We might want to end war or poverty or racism, … Read more


Warren Piece

Liz Warren is a piece of work, and sadly, for her, she can’t be in the Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) Cabinet. As bad a Republican as Charlie Baker can be, if Warren departs for greener energy pastures and meetings in the West Wing, Baker will fill her Senate seat with a Republican … Read more

Biden Plan Simplified

Joe’s Plans Simplified

Joe has a plan. Following Elizabeth Warren’s example earlier in the campaign, they seem to be trying to convince voters that Biden has a precise plan for every problem, while his opponent is flying by the seat of his pants.

Warren's Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Warren’s Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Socialist Elizabeth Warren’s anti-racism plan is collapsing. She now has a problem.  On her website she has an Anti-Racism Plan.  Now the minorities are leaving her campaign. In doing so they are shredding what little credibility she may have. Truth, we don’t need no damned truth She has never been what you would call enamored … Read more

Warren Breaks 7th Seal – Blames Coronavirus on Climate Change

Our Coronavirus reporting began on January 23rd, with a hey, heads up, here’s what’s happening. Three days later, nearly 2000 were infected with 56 dead, and I asked how long before someone blames climate change. It didn’t take long. Liz Warren is blaming Climate Change.

Lying Lizzie Is Going Carbon Neutral

Lying Lizzie Is Going Carbon Neutral

Socialist broom rider Lying Lizzie says; in her reign, America will build no new buildings unless they are carbon neutral. That should be very reassuring to no one. There are no industry standards for carbon-neutral construction. This is political posturing, first last and always.

Lizzie Warren: proving “Taxation is Theft”

Both US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (Socialist – Vermont) are really proving the phrase, Taxation is Theft, to be very true. High-income taxes and then taking away your Private Property with a second round of taxation (e.g., wealth taxes) to fund almost anything the two of them can think of.

Math is Hard. It’s Harder if You Support Elizabeth Warren

Most of the Democrats are ga-ga over the newest hip progressive thing. Because that partial takeover called ObamaCare was such a loser. They want a total takeover of health care. No matter how much it costs. Just be sure to tell the Middle Class it won’t cost them a thing.