Lizzie Warren: proving “Taxation is Theft”

by Skip

Both US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (Socialist – Vermont) are really proving the phrase, Taxation is Theft, to be very true. High-income taxes and then taking away your Private Property with a second round of taxation (e.g., wealth taxes) to fund almost anything the two of them can think of.

Even NYC Mayor de Blasio came out swinging in that the purpose of the Democrat Party should be to institute a 70% income tax.

Sidenote: “ordered” as in “well functioning”.  As in the Second Amendment, the word “regulated” means functional and not legislative controlled out the wazoo that the gun grabbers wish you to believe.

The point being is that EVERYTHING the Democrat Socialists are proposing during this 2020 Presidential campaign is well above “limited”. In fact, if you follow Warren’s Plan-a-minute” process, just about everything under the sun has already been laid out for us all.  Never would we ever have to worry our fuzzy little heads about how things would go or be decided as she’s pre-made all the decisions that we used to make for ourselves.  After all, with her “Warrenism” philosophy on making decisions, she just wants to make sure that we will always know that “we didn’t make that” – she did.

She’s making it clear that she trusts none of us because she believes us to be mere children incapable of self-government or self-rule.  In fact, she’s coming real close to crowning herself to be the Queen of the US with all of the stuff she wants to do in an almost unilateral way.  She’s going to make Trump look like a piker as far as being an Imperial President (and even more ditto for Obama).

But with all of our money, she’ll make those decisions for us.  Wonderful life, eh?

Er, no.

(H/T: Powerline)

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