Most of the Democrats are ga-ga over the newest hip progressive thing. Because that partial takeover called ObamaCare was such a loser. They want a total takeover of health care. No matter how much it costs. Just be sure to tell the Middle Class it won’t cost them a thing.
That’s the story you have to sell. Make sure the Middle class is convinced. This will be great, free, and you won’t have to pay more in taxes (‘cuz we said free.) And just in case, anyone who says otherwise is crazy and on the take from Big Med, or Big Pharma, or Big Insurance, or Big something.
How about a bigger National debt? Because the only way to pay for the low-end estimate of these plans (not 20 trillion, not 34 trillion, more like 52 trillion in new spending over ten years) without lots of taxes on everyone is to print money -which would be worse than the taxes.
Graduates of the public school system will find this math difficult. But we’re going to make it as simple as we can.
- The National Debt is at 23 trillion dollars. This is money the government spent that it has not collected yet.
- The US Government costs 3.5 trillion a year. More than we take in (which is why we have 23 trillion in debt)
- We have tens of trillions (perhaps hundreds of trillions) more in unfunded mandates to fund.
- Medicare for all’s low-end bait price is 52 trillion in new spending in the first decade or 5.2 trillion per year.
5.2 trillion more would increase the annual federal budget to nearly 9 trillion a year. From where is that money going to come?
Massive tax increases.
As we noted here, it would wipe out the total net worth of all of America’s billionaires in the first three years. Not really, they’ll move. But you probably can’t do that. And even if they stayed, there is no math short of lying outright that makes it possible for the feds to take over the function of the insurance and medical industry without raping the middle class.
But guess what? Democrats supporting Warren or Medicare for all can be a huge win – for Republicans. Up and down the ticket.
So, pay close attention. Democrats love taxes. But they don’t like telling you who will have to pay them. You.
‘Lizzy Warren had a tax, gave your wallet forty-whacks. When she saw what she had done gave it another forty-one.’