Flailing Socialist Has Another Plan to Spend More of Your Money to Grow Government

No one will ever claim that Liz Warren isn’t tone-deaf. She clung to her Indian heritage claims and high cheekbones until it was no longer feasible to ignore it to run for higher office. Now, the same woman who has taken a dive in the polls over her plan to spend trillions thinks another plan to spend more will save her.

Related: Is Elizabeth Warren’s Strength her Biggest Weakness?

She’s got a blue plan. A Blue plan? A Blue Plan! It’s Blue. The Blue New Deal.

“The world’s oceans are in crisis,” Warren writes, citing overfishing, warming waters, and an increase in pollution. While she argues that the Green New Deal is important, a Blue New Deal is also necessary, she argues, as “71% of our planet is covered by the ocean.”

I think she’s lying or informed by her obsessive desire to meddle with everything. Oceans are a big space in need of meddling. Most of which are not even in US territory. Which means this is just another economic redistribution scheme hiding under cover of climate fearmongering.

Warren weaves some of her existing plans, such as her Green Manufacturing plan and Green Apollo Program, but calls for more spending to combat the impending “crisis.”

She’s got money to expand federal agencies, a fisherman’s version of the crony farm bill. Most of it would get wasted or go to favored constituencies like every other plan, so what Warren truly needs is a Persian cat she can stroke during her public appearances.

I’ve actually got my own “Green” New Deal. It requires no budget, no agency, no experts, no consultants, no managers, no auditors, no pencil pushers, nor any oversight. Here’s my deal. I think it will be hugely popular.

Keep your hands off my money, and I’ll spend it on what’s important to me. 

| Breitbart

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