Nashua edu blocks GraniteGrok

An Open Letter to Our Wonderful Attorney General

Dear Mr. Attorney General: The Nashua School Board is preventing its staff and students from accessing If you haven’t already read about it, you can read all about it HEREand HERE. To state the obvious, is being censored by the Nashua School Board for political reasons: Why block us? There has to be … Read more

NH Union Leader

So where are the vaunted Union Leader “Editors” in the Hohensee smear? Or are they in on it?

So in all this, Kimberly Houghton who is the Union Leader reporter that wrote about this “Rich Girard smear-a-like political stunt” (the Conservative Manchester School Board member earlier accused of “identifying” a student even as GraniteGrok outed her as having outed herself on Manchester Ink in a public Op-Ed)  against Nashua School Board Doris Hohensee. … Read more

Doris Hohensee

Doris Hohensee: A Rebuttal to Your Request That I Resign

by Doris Hohensee Board President Heather Raymond conducted an illegal meeting asking for my resignation from the Nashua Board of Education. She admits that she spoke privately with the majority of members on the Board to obtain their vote, violating the Right to Know law. Raymond proceeded to abuse her authority by sending out an … Read more

GraniteGrok hits the airwaves this afternoon

As we do every Saturday, the gang at GraniteGrok joins with Pat Hynes of AnkleBitingPundits to bring the free-wheeling action of the blogosphere to the broadcast airwaves here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. As we continue to press management at Nassau Broadcasting to allow realtime webcasting, all programs are categorized and available for … Read more