GraniteGrok hits the airwaves this afternoon

by Doug
As we do every Saturday, the gang at GraniteGrok joins with Pat Hynes of AnkleBitingPundits to bring the free-wheeling action of the blogosphere to the broadcast airwaves here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. As we continue to press management at Nassau Broadcasting to allow realtime webcasting, all programs are categorized and available for podcast. Click here.

Meet The New Press Today 2-4PM on AM 1490 WEMJ

Scheduled topics include:
Pat at the bloggers conference
Frequent traveling woes
War on WalMartEdwards, Obama
Republican woes & solutions
GOP in NH?
Lynch not running for Senate in ’08-
Sununu: vulnerable?
Republican national leaders
Gilford wages & Benefits
Laconia issues? Meredith taxpayers hit 8%
Global Warming/ SUV’s
Radical Islamofascists spread
Clash of civilizations
’08 Prez politics McCain Rudy Mitt Thompson, others
Treatment of our soldiers today versus VietNam era
SanFran bans JROTC
Your phone calls at 527-1490
Emails as announced
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