Nashua Rep Deb Stevens Needs to Up Her Meds

Nashua State Representative Deb Stevens is upping her psychotic hate game against Trump supporters with a recent post on her public representative page: Stevens seems to forget that it’s been her own kind, on the left, who have been hateful, bigoted and actually violent against anyone who supports the president or who simply disagrees with … Read more

Nashua Democrat Deb Stevens

Deb Stevens (Nashua-D): I hate your religion in MY Public Square

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Here’s the full post from the Facebook page … Read more

My Response to Pocket-Stalin’s (Steve Shurtleff’s) Response to Deb Stevens

Kim Morin posted about Democrat Rep Deb Stevens’ lunatic Facebook post here. Here is Stevens’ lunatic Facebook post: The House GOP subsequently called on Speaker Steve Shurtleff (I prefer Pocket-Stalin) to discipline Stevens as he has disciplined GOP Reps for social-media posts he has found objectionable: And here is Pocket-Stalin’s response: Classic what-about-ism. No condemnation … Read more

Nashua Democrat Deb Stevens

Debra Stevens – “ravenous gun culture”

I’ve had a running series from Nashua politics (taking a bit of time on FB instead of  here), specifically on Jan Schmidt and her lie about GraniteGrok (second “text balloon” down):

Hanover School District SAU70

Part 2: Looks like Hanover High School Principal Julie Stevenson is in both CYA and “deflect, deflect, deflect” mode.

But calling the Hanover Police on an HHS student?  This was sent to GraniteGrok by a Hanover parent (“In case you missed it from our good Commissar, er Principal….”) – somebody’s a bit nervous?  Read the construction of this email: From: Julie Stevenson <> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 1:13 PM To:<redacted> Subject: Tik Tok: Here … Read more

Who Covered NHGOP Call for NH Dems to Denounce Stevens 2A Ban?

If you didn’t get the email and you didn’t read it here, you might not know about it. About what? A State GOP email blast with a video asking New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation to denounce the idea of Repealing the Second Amendment. Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens posited the idea in a New … Read more