Deb Stevens (Nashua-D): I hate your religion in MY Public Square


First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Here’s the full post from the Facebook page of Deb Stevens (Nashua-Democrat/Socialist) that caught my eye – a two-fer slap in the face when you believe in the above:

Didja get that?  “We are one race, the human race. I love how diverse…”

I love EVERYBODY – except you Bible Thumpers. I guess she wants to rewrite the First Amendment similarly to her LightBringer (that would be the Democrat Savior, Barack Hussein Obama, accolyte of Communist Saul Alinsky, and we know how Communism treats people of faith.  Almost biblical where Socialism/Communism says “Thou shalt have no other god before Government”): you have the freedom of worship.  Keep it in your house of worship, keep it in your house, keep it in your closet.  Do NOT actually speak of it even if you live your faith fully and as part of your being. No Free Expression, no Freedom of Speech.

In other words, she’s a fraud to her own words of “I love how diverse…”.  Yup, there’s always big “BUT” there and she’s made it clear that if your are a person of faith, especially one in the Legislature, the Judiciary, or Executive. How DARE you bring your morality to legislation! Someone who lives their faith, speaks their faith, and their faith IS their everyday all-the-time base of morality?.  You are to shut up and your inner core is no longer allowed to touch my secular world – especially if YOUR morality conflicts with mine.  That’s the message she sends. That’s the message they all send.  Don’t doubt me.

As a member of Government (yes, she won her race to be a State Rep – in Nashua, no big surprise), she is blatantly ignoring the strictures of the First Amendment. With her words above (and yes, reposting of it is tacit approval of the message), she DOES want to limit your Free Expression of your faith.  And then is doubling down by trying to silence you of your Free Speech concerning your faith. She may have a moral core – I don’t know but it is clear that she hates your’s.

I’m betting she’s rather spitting mad that I’m calling her out on it.  Too bad – when it comes to a Constitutional value and you violate your Oath to said documents (US and NH), you have earned it.  How DARE you violate your oath?  You proclaim to love diversity but when such diversity in the moral, spiritual, and reasoning realms go against your grain, you are using your Government and elected position to send the message SHUT UP!

I will not Comply.  I will #RESIST.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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