Can NH State Representative Deb Stevens (D-Nashua) understand this kind of math?

by Skip

As shown by the attack on the Texas church, guns can SAVE lives as well as take them. Unfortunately, in NH State Rep Deb Stevens fevered imagination, no one that owns a gun has good intentions unless they have a Government ID.

She, along with Beto O’Rourke and Michael Bloomberg (failed Prez Wannabe and soon-to-fail Prez Wannabee), share the idea that no ordinary citizen can be trusted with EITHER their current Second Amendment (OR, her case, First Amendment Rights as well).

No, 2+2 still equals 5 in her world in which the idea of Freedom either has to be justified or has to be removed completely. Safety & Security over Freedom is her watchword – we can’t be trusted.

At all.

Our Founding philosophies never occurred in her Democrat Socialist/Progressive alternative history, else why is she (and the rest of her socialist kinfolk) so hellbent on infringing EVERYTHING? It is apparent that she is very much in favor of this:

Councilman Jesse Dominguez said, “Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”

By the way, the answer is still 4.

(H/T: Powerline)

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