Part 2: Looks like Hanover High School Principal Julie Stevenson is in both CYA and “deflect, deflect, deflect” mode.

by Skip

But calling the Hanover Police on an HHS student?  This was sent to GraniteGrok by a Hanover parent (“In case you missed it from our good Commissar, er Principal….”) – somebody’s a bit nervous?  Read the construction of this email:

Julie Stevenson Hanover High School photo

From: Julie Stevenson <>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 1:13 PM
Subject: Tik Tok: Here we go again!

Good Afternoon-

We wanted to take a moment to address the recent Tik Tok about Hanover High School made by an organization based out of state and not with the school. We have seen the Tik Tok and have been made aware of some of the responses both from Hanover High students and others not from our school community.

The maker of the Tik Tok asked administration if they could put their table in the building and they were informed that the only tables we allow in the school are those that are student initiated or related to post secondary opportunities.

Because of our memorandum of understanding, we have made the Hanover PD aware.

There are many good lessons here about freedom of speech, social media, truth in reporting and constructive and destructive dialogue. Please use this opportunity to talk with your families.

Have a nice afternoon,

HHS Administration

I was struck by a number of things in that email:

  • made by an organization based out of state and not with the school

Note she didn’t even mention the “organization” – that would be Turning Point USA (“TPUSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote freedom.”)an organization that is in direct opposition to the Woke construction in effect in the District. Gee, what side of the political spectrum uses “outside agitators” a lot?

  • and others not from our school community

Yep, we’d be part of that “community” that’s not THEIR “community”.  Yet, like Martha’s Vineyard, these Progressively based schools are always touting their own horns about being “inclusive” until they run up against someone that needs to be excluded.  Once again, we see the “definition inversion” these folks are infamous for!

  • Because of our memorandum of understanding, we have made the Hanover PD aware

I reviewed the Hanover High School site/policies and the only references that would have any attachment to that statement were:

The only mention of school policies covering this are:
Only the latter speaks to calling the Police.  I’ll have to wait to get confirmation that Hanover Police was actually called by HHS (necessary as we had a case where Democrat State Reps said they called the Merrimack Police against us for “threatening” and an RTK issued by Susan Olsen proved that the Rep making the claim was lying – I think the police chief enjoyed (seriously enjoyed!) letting us know that no such thing had happened and NO police police protection was ever activated. The Rep never thought we’d check – and she got angrier.).
But one has to ask “how is setting up a table a physical threat?” sufficient to call the police?  Antifi (like at Dartmouth College), sure. But someone with TPUSA – conflating US Constitutions with violence? Well, we all know what the Woke think of that notion.
  • There are many good lessons here about freedom of speech, social media, truth in reporting and constructive and destructive dialogue

This, THIS is the la creme de la creme of the entire email. So which side is Freedom on – the constructive or destructive side of “dialogue”. Add to that, please tell me, how does Destructive dialog square, EVAH!, with Freedom of Speech?

Sorry Ms. Stevenson, but your ideology just shown brightly.  There is no Hate Speech (jumping ahead here) as Freedom of Speech PROTECTS that speech that others find offensive or that other famous Leftist adjective “Hurtful”. Sorry, Free Speech exists to make sure that Government (that would be you as an agent of the Government as Public Schools are nothing if NOT Government) doesn’t restrict the liberty of its citizens.

And just throwing out the phrase “truth in reporting” went without any context at all.  The fact that you aren’t telling the entire truth when compared against the video has some of us going “so what context did you mean “truth in reporting”? Which reporters from which outlets?  What did they get wrong?  Did they lie?

But that also brings up the converse – why are you leaving so much out of your email, leaving to the readers imagination that perhaps something nefarious is going on that ruins the HHS ideology Narrative?

Just a casual question for the Principal – what IS the Proper Role of Government?  It’s an easy one to answer – if you’ve been reading GraniteGrok. Tell me, what did the curriculum for your Social Studies class inform your students what the right answer was?

She also doesn’t mention, at ALL,  the posters that were highlighted in the video.  Why did you run away from those in email – nary a mention at all. Why not? And why not mention that Deborah Bacon Nelson, the Democrat Chair of Hanover/Lyme, wasn’t given the same treatment? She is “outside of the school” as well, right?

Sigh, you know what happens with stuff like this – my To-Do list grows ever longer as the ideas just pile up quickly (and ram into all the OTHER stuff that’s filling up my 8′ X 4′ whiteboard “notebook”.

One would think that a Principal would know better. C’est la!

Guess I won’t be invited into “her community” as I ask uncomfortable questions.

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