
Critical Race Theory Divides Instead of Unites the Nation

I have to respond to Charles Ajootian (Letter to the Editor, below) who says, several times, I forget. No, I do not forget those things mentioned, I lived through some of them. Being 78 years old I remember Selma, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being killed, the murder of young northern kids bussed down to Mississippi, and many more.

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Just When You Thought Chris Sununu’s Gaslighting Couldn’t Get Any Worse … Along Comes His Litany of Lies For Vetoing HB 544 (Banning “Critical Race Theory”)

To start, if you have not read Skip’s recent excellent post on New Hampshire’s Sun-King, Chris Sununu and HB 544: So, Gov Chris Sununu Believes All Whites are RAAACISTS?you should. This is such an important topic, that I want to “add my two cents.” Let me start with what “critical race theory” is. From a … Read more

Why is Chris Sununu Allowing Government Employees to be Indoctrinated With “Critical Race (White Privilege) Theory”?

So let’s begin with the concept of critical race theory. I’ll give you the short version, but here is a link to an hour-plus discussion by Heritage. Essentially, “critical race theory” describes the pseudoscientific concept that all people with white skin are inherently racists and are not even aware of it because they have “internalized” … Read more

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