Monkey surprise Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash

Arguing for A Spectrum With Only “Two Sets of Plumbing”

Nature endows all of us with (basically) one of two sets of “plumbing.” There are rare or odd exceptions involving mutations that produce both or none, but these are uncommon and not nature’s design. Anyone enamored of Darwin’s thoughts on evolution knows this. The survival of any species depends on its ability to procreate.

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Pride flag

“Dead People Should be Able to Change Their Gender”?

You might be asking yourself, how exactly might a dead person change their gender, and I have the answer. If they were a boy pretending to be a girl, and their bones got dug up some years from now, they’d be identified as male. We wouldn’t need an act of law for that, of course, just nature – so this headline is about something else.

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Leafblower leaves on ground pexels-paris-lopez-9620213

Leaf Blow Me!

The war on common sense isn’t limited to gender conflict. The same people taking things away from women are keen on robbing everyone else of something. Washington State Rep. Amy Walen has proposed a bill banning gas-powered landscaping equipment. My first thought?

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The Word You Are Looking for is ‘WOMEN’

Language is a  curious thing; are are the wordsmiths in progressive major media who dance around the truth to tell you lies. Take this recent lede from NBC News.  “A federal court will allow four cisgender runners to sue over Connecticut’s trans-inclusive policy, which they say deprived them of honors and opportunities.”

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