How We Must Identify CRT While Its Proponents Pretend It Doesn’t Exist

by Op-Ed

The debate over Critical Race Theory has moved into the Technicality Weasel Theory phase.

As parents rightfully grow louder and angrier, showing up at school board meetings and calling out superintendents and school board members for their complicity in pushing this anti-White revolution on school children, school district leadership increasingly relies on technicalities, narrow definitions, and just playing stupid in order to obfuscate and deny the observable reality that their school districts are infested with what is commonly understood as Critical Race Theory.

We want to thank Dan Concannon for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

One case in point is the Laconia, NH School District, where at last week’s school board meeting, superintendent Steve Tucker repeatedly assured concerned citizens that CRT is not being taught in Laconia’s schools – a denial he has grown accustomed to making as Laconians have grown accustomed to finding examples of CRT throughout their school district.

“It’s not the intent to teach that White kids are privileged,” Tucker stated, either blissfully unaware or disturbingly appreciative of the irony that the Laconia School District Office of School Wellness has published a handy slideshow detailing the multitudinous ways in which White kids are privileged:


Dan Concannon Laconia White Privilege Kids
(Click to enlarge)

(The Laconia School District Office of School Wellness is also an enthusiastic participant in the GenderClown Revolution. Because nothing says “wellness” like a webpage of resources dedicated exclusively to enticing children into a lifestyle of identity crisis, chemical dependency, mutilation, anguish, and regret – all leading up to a 50% suicide attempt rate:
Here is the gendermania indoctrination Laconia School District provided for staff)


Dan Concannon Laconia Gender Training 2021


Background: Super Steve Tucker of the Laconia School System denies that there is any Critical Race Theory being taught.

The ways in which Laconia School District does, in fact, teach White kids that they are guilty of the original sin of Whiteness privileged include but are not limited to:

  • The universal presumption of innocence (Granted only to those with white skin)
  • The unearned freedom from suffering under the deep Racism™ of adhesive bandage coloration (Band-Aids are obviously the KKK)
  • The unearned freedom from the horrific Racism™ of teachers mispronouncing their White names (This is a long-standing tactic of White Supremacy. Experts assure us no White person’s name has ever been mispronounced. Ever.)
  • The unearned freedom to see their own White kind represented on television to the total exclusion of anyone who is not White (As you know if you own a television, only White people appear on it. Go ahead, turn it on. See? Literally no one else appears on television. Because of Racism™ and stuff.)

This year, Laconia School District staff received a full round of “White People Bad” “Diversity and Inclusion” training:

Laconia Diversity Equity Training 2021

assuring them that “race is a social construct,” as thoroughly evidenced by a photo on a magazine cover. Forget all that biology stuff. Forget our ability to identify the race of skeletal remains from thousands of years ago. Forget that it would be medical malpractice for a doctor to negate race in the treatment of his patients. This is a revolution against nature, people, and Laconia School District is one of many school districts across the United States that is all in:


Laconia Nat Geo Race Social Construct


Even more absurd from Laconia’s “Diversity and Inclusion” training is a patronizing, pre-K level drawing activity called “How Complete Is Your Understanding Of Race?

In this activity, participants are asked a series of yes/no questions about how multiracial and worldly they are or aren’t, and each time you score a Good Global Citizen point, you get to draw a body part on your paper face. The ultimate goal of the activity, of course, is for Racist™ White people to end up with mostly blank paper faces so that they can face the shocking reality of just how White and Racist™ (synonyms) they are – and thereby how badly they’ve failed at life.

Spoiler alert: If at least one member of your immediate family isn’t from a different racial group (while simultaneously remembering that racial groups don’t exist), then you probably suffer from a lack of understanding about race (a thing that is made up and does not exist).

Within the current cultural nomenclature, these things all qualify as Critical Race Theory to the average onlooker. But no! Ignorant White Man! None of these things are Critical Race Theory! Technically.

This is where the mealy-mouthedness begins. These CRT-deniers stake their claim upon the fact that there is no school curriculum in their district labeled “CRITICAL RACE THEORY CURRICULUM.”

They are playing the technicality game that CRT enthusiasts love to play by telling you, “Critical Race Theory has never been taught in a K-12 school! Critical Race Theory is a legal theory taught only in law schools!” They revert to the strict law school definition of Critical Race Theory so that they can insist, on those narrow terms, that the school district is CRT-free despite your lying eyes telling you that it’s a CRT free-for-all.

Here’s the thing – this is going to work. School districts will continue to institute CRT as they please while they call it something else and call you crazy for calling it what it is.

Many laws have been passed throughout the US that aim to temper school districts’ and governments’ ability to teach and sponsor CRT, but they all leave broad enough wiggle room and plausible deniability that, while there may be occasional legal victories, they will not stem the tide of Critical Race Theory.

Some of these entities will avoid assigning material by those that explicitly label themselves “Critical Race Theorists” in failed attempts to avoid the obviousness of what they’re doing, while others will still openly sponsor material by those that explicitly label themselves “Critical Race Theorists” and they’ll be left untouched by explaining that the material is not required of anyone – it’s just available.

Thus, it’s time to be more precise with our language and labeling. It’s time to get to the point – a point that those on the pro-CRT side (and, strangely, some that claim to be anti-CRT) do not want anyone to acknowledge. Critical Race Theory, and all that exists beneath that umbrella – “White Privilege,” “White Fragility,” “Whiteness” – are you seeing a pattern here? – boils down to one fundamental principle: Anti-Whiteness.


No! CRT isn’t anti-White! It’s just an examination of law as it intersects with race (that thing that keeps on not existing)! CRT is just asking you to self-examine (if you’re White)! CRT is just asking you to see things through the eyes of other races (not that races exist, and, as always, only if you’re White)! When we say “Abolish Whiteness!” we’re not talking about White people, we’re talking about an ethereal abstraction that manifests in social systems (because screaming “Kill Whitey!” would be too on the nose). When Critical Race Theorist Aruna Khilanani insists that all White people are “psychopaths” and “demented violent predators,” and she lectures at Yale to future social workers and child psychologists, describing to them her fantasies of “unloading a gun into the head of any White person… burying their body… and walking away guiltless with a bounce in my step like I did the world a fucking favor” – she’s just doing high level academic scholarship! (


“Critical Race Theory” is simply a pseudo-intellectual moniker for Anti-Whiteness. Critical Race Theory is part of a civilization-wide dehumanization campaign against White people. Calling Critical Race Theory “Anti-White” should not make you uncomfortable.

The fact that there is a ubiquitous, burning hatred of White people throughout Western Civilization is what should make you uncomfortable. If you are experiencing the inverse of these emotions, it’s time to face reality and straighten yourself out. Grass is green and CRT is Anti-White. With those simple facts established, now is the time to ask yourself:


  • What usually follows a dehumanization campaign?
  • Do you think that the ultimate, real-world manifestation of Critical Race Theory that will follow this Anti-White dehumanization campaign will perhaps be slightly more uncomfortable than simply acknowledging that it’s coming, and then actually working to stop it while we still can?


Moving forward, Critical Race Theory must be addressed as the Anti-White attack that it is. Using the term Anti-White is more important than using the term Critical Race Theory because it strikes at the root of what CRT and all its iterations truly are.

The purveyors of this Anti-White hatred can play word games all day long and gracefully waltz by on technicalities. But addressing Anti-Whiteness as Anti-Whiteness leaves them no room to equivocate. Oh, they’ll nervously try to explain how the Anti-White material they’re pounding into your children’s brains isn’t ACKSHUALLY Anti-White – and as a result, they will look and sound even more foolish than the last CRT-denier before them did – because the louder the truth gets, the stupider the liars look.

These Critical Race Theory revolutionaries have made “White” a dirty word. Across Western Civilization, “White” is used almost exclusively in a disparaging manner.

Critical Race Theorists accuse White people of “otherizing” non-Whites while they continuously dream up new terms and categories for the explicit purpose of “otherizing” White people.

They sing sweetly the songs of “People of Color,” “Communities of Color,” “BIPOC,” “Black and Brown Bodies,” and many other self-celebratory descriptors designed to highlight the glorious absence of pestilent “Whiteness.”

Just as white is the absence of color, “Whiteness” is the absence of humanity in the eyes of the Anti-White Critical Race Theorists.

Popular culture overflows with positive references to every racial category other than White. Should anyone dare make a positive reference about White people, they are immediately unpersoned. Popular culture also teems with derogatory references against White people.

Whites are the only racial group that can be openly mocked, derided, and made sport of by talking heads, comedians, Hollywood, the media, politicians – everyone and anyone. Should any White person dare joke about another racial group, they are attacked and unpersoned with a vigor that knows no bounds.

It all works to normalize the hatred of White people – and if you point any of it out, you are immediately pathologized and diagnosed as mentally ill with a terminal case of “Whiteness.”

One tactic that you’re sure to see is the insistence that what you or your children are being taught isn’t Critical Race Theory, it’s “Antiracism.” You’re simply too stupid and too White to differentiate. By calling it “Antiracist,” they are attempting to handcuff you against any objection because if you object to “Antiracism” then you’re… can you guess?… RACIST™!!! But, as the Critical Race Theorists themselves have told us, to be White is to be racist™. These things are one and the same. Inseparable.

Rather than cowering before their pretty words, call them out as the pretty lies that they are. Do the verbal math of their belief system: If White people = Racist™ and Critical Race Theorists = Antiracist, then Critical Race Theorists = Anti-White. Now call them that.

Calling them “racists,” “neo-racists,” “government-sanctioned racists,” or any other abstraction is an ineffective waste of breath. These terms cause Critical Race Theorists no disquietude. These terms simply inform the Critical Race Theorists that you are still on their turf, playing by their language rules. If you play by their language rules – they win.

Remember this: You owe these people no respect. Whether they’re your school board members, your children’s teachers, your employers, or the elected officials of ~~OUR SACRED DEMOGRACY~~; they hate you and they will destroy your children. If you don’t believe that they hate you, or that they’ll destroy your children – well, the policies and materials that they endorse are all written by people that hate you and want to destroy your children – so what’s the difference?

But they’re members of our community. Everyone’s known them for years. There’s not a malicious bone in their body. They’re just going along to get along.

How nice. And you’re willing to sacrifice everything – the legacy of those that came before you, all that you have, and all that you want for your children – in order to spare the delicate emotional balance of some pencil-pushing functionary in the local bureaucracy so that it’s not awkward when you pass by each other at the grocery store?

Anyone that…

  • Requires CRT
  • Offers CRT
  • Sponsors CRT
  • Approves of CRT
  • Puts up with CRT
  • Grins and bears CRT
  • Or simply silently resents CRT

is complicit in the dehumanization and hatred of White people. CRT is not “against everybody.” CRT is against White people. CRT is not a “divide and conquer” strategy.  CRT seeks to unite all people against White people. CRT is an “isolate and destroy” strategy against Whites. Sure, once White people are out of the way, the revolution will eat its own, but right now, there is one group of people that the crosshairs are trained on: White people. It’s in your face and it’s obvious. If you cannot face this fact, you cannot stop Critical Race Theory. Know your enemy, know their tactics, and show up at the right battlefield.


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