Tammy Simmons

Tammy Simmons: Steve Duprey PAID a lot to support your House race – vote for him for NH GOP Committeeman

I dunno if this was given a “green light” by someone or if this was just Tammy Simmons (past Chair of the Manchester Republican Committee) shoving this out there in order to “guilt” people into voting for Steve Duprey. Emphasis mine: From: Tammy Simmons <xxxxxxxx@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 10:34 AM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: … Read more

Ager vs. Duprey: The Choice

One can often learn something about a person’s true character by examining those with whom they associate or support, giving credence to the old saying that “birds of a feather flock together.” As the son of a legal immigrant father who embraced the American Dream, it is apparent to this writer that our country has … Read more

RNC Logo

Why Did Steve Duprey Scrub His Twitter …

So I saw this today on twitter: That’s not right, I thought … knowing that that Steve Duprey’s long-time twitter account has been @SecretaryofFun. So I checked out @SecretaryofFun: What I found is that every tweet, save one nonpolitical tweet from December, 2018 had been scrubbed! Then I checked out @SDupreyNH: As you can see, … Read more

Chains, children, shackle, slave

Learn Everywhere? No – you MUST learn HERE!

The Learn Everywhere program was an innovative program passed into law that allowed the Commissioner and Board of Education to create rules that allowed curriculum performed outside of the classroom to count for High School credit. Each School District, if the rules were adopted, would be ‘forced’ to accept said credits, even if performed by … Read more

Marco and Nikki, Sitting in a Tree…

Marco skipped out on a Conservative conference to pal around with his newest convert, Nikki Haley, who is positioning herself to be Rubio’s VP. We also talked about the RNC’s  tolerance (blame Steve Duprey) for moderators who hate their candidates, vote fraud, a primary for Kelly Ayotte, and does she have a shot just a … Read more

Defending the Pre-Born

Jane Cormier, the head of NH Right to Life, updates us on Life in New Hampshire, their upcoming banquet, growth in the life movement, with a shout-out (sort-of) to RNC Committeeman Steve “Baby Parts” Duprey and Senator Kelly “Stand with Jeanne Shaheen” Ayotte. We also discuss how the baby-killers feel about the folks defending the … Read more

Is There Life Before Conception?

We spend a few minutes speaking to Jane Cormier about HB560 and SB 40 (fetal homicide legislation) then close up the program with this weeks Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.  We’ve got RNC Committeeman Steve Duprey on the WTF docket along with the goings on in Garland, the media’s disregard for free speech (when they label it … Read more

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