New Hampshire Republicans, Your Next RNC Committeeman is...Chris Ager - Granite Grok

New Hampshire Republicans, Your Next RNC Committeeman is…Chris Ager

Chris Ager

The NHGOP annual meeting is mostly boring blah-blah-blah with a few moments of intrigue. Last year we had the vote for State Party Chair. This year it was for the next term for one of our two RNC State Committeemen. The votes have been tallied. The winner is? Chris Ager.

I was not able to attend. I have a back thing that makes sitting in a car unbearable. But we are well represented, so I have snippets from the event. I’ll share two.

During their brief remarks after being nominated, the challenger, Chris Ager reportedly took time to thank the Presiden for supporting the pro-life moment and pro-life principles to much applause. He also said, and I’m paraphrasing, “I expect you to hold me accountable if I’m not doing what I promise. I know Grok will.”

Yes, we will. And not just because we endorsed you.

The incumbent, Steve Duprey, trumpeted his support for New Hampshire’s first in the nation primary. That’s important, but as I’ve noted elsewhere, I’m hard-pressed to think of anyone in that role who would not do the same.

As it turns out, the voting delegates agree. For that and other reasons. They have chosen Chris Ager.

Mr. Duprey immediately called for a unanimous motion of support for Mr. Ager and is offering his complete support for the choice of voting delegates and for Chris. He says he will be stepping aside at the end of the meeting.

Your Newest RNC Committeeman, New Hampshire, Is Chris Ager.

Congratulation to Chris Maidment who ran Ager’s effort, to the 603 Alliance who endorsed and support him for the role, and the sixteen authors at who endorsed Chris (16-0-1 in favor).

Now to focus on that that holding him accountable part. 
