Steve Duprey Endorses Biden and NH Senate Republicans STILL Willing to Take his Money

by Skip

Indeedy do! No shame, no guilt – money, Money, MUUNEEYY!  Doesn’t matter for what. It doesn’t matter how much (ok, I’m stretching it – it counts for a LOT!), or from whom. And in this case, the whom doesn’t seem to matter at all.


Morals much, NH State Republicans?

NH Senate Republicans Steve Duprey

Biden “voter” Steve Duprey is listed s the FIRST sponsor – a PLATINUM Sponsor? Money must really speak – and loudly.

Look, I get it – getting a message out, hiring campaign staff…money is speech. But this is someone who has consistently violated the NH GOP Platform repeatedly (one excellent reason why he lost his NH GOP RNC Committeeman seat to Chris Ager, whose pitch was “I will support the NH GOP Platform”).

I really don’t care if he used to be the Chair, the Committeeman, or anything else. He turned his back, not only by ignoring the NH GOP Platform but was a Republican for Biden.

How’s that working out for ya, Steve? Proud of what Biden has already done or of how they are man-handling the Republicans? More Generational Debt, Gun control, border crisis. You are helping to make that happen!

And with the new tax policy about to be introduced, we are going to get crushed.

No matter, Biden’s going to fund one of your favorite charities with our tax monies – Planned Parenthood. Hey Senators, you all good with this?

Along with letting kids with Coronavirus scamper across our land (once they’ve been let out of the Obama-Biden cages)? And the Democrats about to totally Federalize elections? Infringe on our gun Rights with Biden’s gun control? And so much more ‘bad’ in just two months?

Yup, Duprey helped make sure that all this, and more, is coming at us all.

At what point, Republicans, is enough….enough? Or are you in the industry of collecting “indulgences” to atone for past [political] sins? That checkbook may be really big, but is it really just the money?

Can money buy Integrity?

Conservatarians, whatcha think about this?



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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