The Elusive Mr. Biden

Joe Biden is a man who’s spent nearly 50 years in public office, but as president, he’s suddenly become quiet and elusive, a man of few words.

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smirking trump

Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Good

I’d like to take issue with President Trump’s totalitarian emergency, crisis, I am the King remarks. No. You do not have that much power. This is almost a bad as Democrats calling him a dictator then demanding he acts like one. Almost.

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Russians Abused Free Speech to Help Trump Win the 2016 elections

The establishment press. The mainstream media. Google, Twitter, Facebook. The professional left. They are forever finding cause to quiet ideas to which they object. Even the First Amendment itself. If not for that outmoded protection foreign interlopers might not have aided in the rise of Mr. Trump. Yes, Free Speech is now to blame for … Read more

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