Things Botox Can’t Fix or Hide

There are growing concerns about the appearance of John Kerry, one of the Democratic Party’s premier politruks, former presidential standard bearer, George W. Bush’s burr under the saddle, and Joe Biden’s Climate Tsar, er, without portfolio.

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Joe Biden box of rocks

Are We Failing to Tell Government That They Work for Us?

Let’s take a look at the repressive measures the Bidenistas have employed on peaceful American demonstrators:

1.) The Pelosicrats ignored President Trump’s offer of the National Guard to supervise the peaceful demonstration at the Capitol. Remember, these same Americans peacefully populated the National Mall during President Trump’s speech.

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October Surprise

Surprise, surprise – we Republicans are all to blame. A white supremacist MAGA supporter invaded the San Francisco home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and cracked Paul’s head with a hammer. “Yeah, no”!

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Joe Biden This is what happens when you order a president through the mail

Our Former President is a Creature

The Democrats were apoplectic for four years every time President Trump spoke or tweeted an off-color description of an adversary. Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas, and Crooked Hillary were some that hit the mark and set the media world on fire. The Left claimed this language was below the status of President and was one of the reasons they urged you to vote for Joe Biden. Uncle Joe would bring civility and harmony back to a White House plagued by the evil Orange Man. The hair sniffing look at the hair on my legs in the pool man from Delaware would bring class and decorum back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Like a cheap used car salesman, they lied.

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Pappas: Pelosi’s Bought and Paid For Stooge

Stooge: /sto͞oj/ plural nounstooges
a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian’s jokes.

In the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings from Pappas, during that timeframe he raised about $31,000—$19,000 of which came from three political entities tied to Pelosi. The biggest, $10,000, came from Pelosi’s leadership PAC called “PAC to the Future,” while $5,000 came from the Pelosi-aligned “House Majority PAC” and $4,000 came directly from “Nancy Pelosi for Congress,” as reported in Breitbart News this past Monday.

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Golden Opportunity

Democrats Go for the Gold

America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been unprecedented.  The complete shutdown of our national economy is truly historic.  Not since World War II have Americans experienced such widespread anxiety, unrest, and economic hardship.

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