Pappas: Pelosi’s Bought and Paid For Stooge

Stooge: /sto͞oj/ plural nounstooges
a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian’s jokes.

In the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings from Pappas, during that timeframe he raised about $31,000—$19,000 of which came from three political entities tied to Pelosi. The biggest, $10,000, came from Pelosi’s leadership PAC called “PAC to the Future,” while $5,000 came from the Pelosi-aligned “House Majority PAC” and $4,000 came directly from “Nancy Pelosi for Congress,” as reported in Breitbart News this past Monday.

Looking back at elections past, the endless diatribe of, “Special Interest Money,” and, “Out of State” interests injecting themselves in the Granite State were simply monotonous. Both Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen made that a cornerstone effusion when attacking their political opponents.

Congressman Pappas is hardly the model of a charismatic candidate. The Granite State fellow of glib demeanor does, however, allows lefties to check a “woke” box or two. Summarily, Pelosi and cadre will prop him up.

Arguably, Pappas has a stellar voting record. When the puppet-master Pelosi is pulling the strings, how can anyone argue otherwise? Clearly, it is all of the things on the left agenda. And why not? Back on October 25 Steve MacDonald told us how he lied to your faces.

Pappas’ denial was unequivocal, denying both the relationship and any notion of impropriety. But his tune changed, however, after the Mowers campaign released a set of documents that appear to substantiate the claim that Pappas had a personal relationship with Vann Bentley, a former Policy Counsel for Amazon. According to his LinkedIn page, Bentley worked in that position until November 2019.

Pappas’ response:  He accused his opponent Matt Mowers of being Homophobic. It is fair to point out that he never addressed the allegation. 

As long as Pappas tows the line and votes the vote, it doesn’t really matter how he gets there as long as he gets there…Bought and paid for by Nancy Pelosi.

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