Remember How Nancy Pelosi Was Yammering That the Newly Elected Senate Should Fill the “RBG” Seat?

by Skip

Yes, she was! Pelosi was all over that since the 2020 election had already started and that millions had already voted (gosh, I wonder why – oh, because Dems have been elongating Election Day to be Election Season and vote-by-mail!  How convenient!).

Related:  Election Day Open Thread

And that the Senate should wait until the NEXT session to vote on a replacement (she’s obviously thinking Dems will take the Oval Office AND the Senate).

So this is a headline at The Blaze:

Nancy Pelosi says House is ‘ready’ to decide who will be president if election ends up in Congress

Notice that she means the CURRENT US House of Representatives – and currently, Democrat-controlled. How convenient.

I’m watching predictions and there is a small handful of such predicting that the Rs will take over with a majority. Is that why Pelosi is talking NOW instead of later?

Kinda proves a lot of the Republican’s observations during the ACB confirmation process that if the political tables had been turned, they’d be rushing THEIR candidate through in a hurry, too.

Sidenote: most of the US House predictions are NOT showing a flip of the House but the Rs picking up a few seats (2, 3, maybe 5).

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