I’m referring to those Canadian truckers using their Big Rigs to make statements in various Canadian cities with Ottawa, Canada’s capital, being the main and first target.
BlogLine of the Day – She’s right, you know
“You know what bothers me the most about these mandated masks for children? Literally, for a little kid wearing a mask, it represents 40% of their life in a mask….”
Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s Been Vaccinated”?
The associated question is “Who amongst you remember who Abbott and Costello to being with?”
Brentwood School Board Member Inserts Her Foot In Her Mouth, Again!
Letty Bedard, a member of the Brentwood (SAU16) School Board, has made some pretty inflammatory comments. However, at a Selectmen’s meeting the other night, she chose to chastise a selectman because a picture he took made its way to a Granite Grok post.
Libs Will Wear Masks Just to Prove They’re Not Conservatives? We’re Good With That!
So, another story from the heart of the scientifically illiterate. The emotionally overwrought living in Mandatory Maskland’s like Nashua; they officially rescinded the city mask mandate yesterday but encourage a continued devotion to this fake-security blanky.
I Thought Our Motto Here Is Live Free or Die! I Don’t See That Spirit in Action!
I thought I’d drop you a note. I have to say that, as a new Granite Stater, I am quite surprised at the overwhelming number of folks here who have succumbed to the media hype and fear-mongering.
CDC Mandates Masks Nationwide on All Public Transporation and Some Private (Rideshare).
The Center for Dystopian Chaos (CDC) has released new rules for the peasants. Ye shall wear a mask (over nose and mouth) on any conveyance or at or in any transportation hub. Air, bus, train, cab, and even rideshare services will be expected to enforce the rules.
Wisconsin Has the Political Will to Tell Their Gov. to Stuff His Emergency Orders – Why Not NH?
Wisconsin has the political will to tell their Gov. to stuff his Emergency Orders. Political Will – that’s what it takes. And a willingness to no longer allow the Chief Executive of the Executive to subvert their role in our republican form of Government (reformated, emphasis mine):
If a Law Falls in the Woods, and No One Is There to Enforce It, Is There Really a Law?
The Manchester City Council did the right thing on masks, sorta, after dumping the original proposal that would have mandated full-time mask-wearing in Manchester, all buildings, inside and outside.
Social Proof Is Crack Cocaine for Your Tiny, Defenseless Gray Cells
Are you at the end of your rope with the masking mandate that continues to drag on? Are you aware extremely powerful psychological buttons inside your brain are being used to stoke deep fear inside you and control you? I have the indisputable proof and am about to share it.
Prepping To Vote While Staying Safe From The Coronavirus
The presidential election is growing closer in the U.S., and early voting has already begun. In the face of the danger of the coronavirus, it’s crucial that citizens understand how to remain safe while still exercising their right to vote. If you’re eager to get in the mix and cast your vote for President of … Read more
The Scientific Value of Masks, Hiding, and Hand Wringing
The scientific value of mask hiding and hand wringing is diminishing. That’s right there’s a new study confirming it. The experts say if you hide in your basement and wash your hands incessantly while wearing a mask it increases your probability of becoming president. It does not however decrease your chances of getting the virus. … Read more
Voting today – how were masks/no masks handled in your town? Mine – a problem
Voting, when I left around 2pm, was above average. Over 600 absentee ballots were received. The stupid part in actually voting was not the throw away pen (gee, SWAG from voting! Better than the stickers they hand out, although the Grandson would beg to differ). I was there from about 11am until 1pm holding a … Read more
How Soon until “It’s just a mask” becomes “it’s just a vaccine”?
This year started with so much hope for the best. It isn’t turning out that way. Those who were prepared for the worst are doing better than many of the others. So let’s stroll through the year and see what 2020 has wrought so far.
Fauci is a Fraud
This … from the Washington Nationals’ opener, where earlier Dr. Fauci threw the ceremonial first pitch: Which was about as accurate as Fauci’s coronavirus pronouncements:
NH’s ‘Don’t Go Viral’ Campaign Teaches Our Youth Useless Measures and Pointless Practices
New Hampshire has announced a digital campaign targeting New Hampshire youth called “Don’t Go Viral.” The emphasis is on social distancing and wearing a mask in the lead up to a return to school. The problem? Social distancing is based on a high school science project, and there’s no reason for healthy people to wear masks. None.
Maskachusetts Health Officials Approve Permanent Mask Mandate
The Massachusetts Maskachusetts Public Health Department has voted to approve a permanent mask mandate for the Bay State. Talk about living up to your nickname. The only thing standing between residents and a forever requirement – for the good of public health – is a July 24th Public hearing.
Keene to Consider a Mask Mandate That May Lead to More Infections, Other Health Issues
A Keene, New Hampshire city Councilor (at-Large Randy Filiault) says he will propose an ordinance requiring masks indoors in public places across the city. A move that the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) says, “may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19…”
DISQUS Doodlings: Karens, Karens, Karens all around – even if they’re named Laureen
GraniteGrok would be FAR less of a place to be without our commenters. SMART, too. But there are exceptions. I don’t mind at all when people from the other side of an argument come over to present their point of view. In fact, I’m of the opinion that Conservatives MUST go out and do battle … Read more
The Plandemic Movie – Excerpt Two: If You Are Healthy Do not Wear a Mask – You Are Doing More Harm than Good
You may be familiar with this global flip-flop. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. We have stores asking you to wear them (I refuse) and governors demanding you do. We also have health experts on both sides, saying yes and no. Is there a place for them?