Massachusetts Orders Everyone to Wear Masks in Public

Yesterday Governor Sununu gave New Hampshire a sliver of hope. Not much but some. A loosening of the shackles. But to our south, Gov. Charlie Baker has done the opposite. He has just ordered everyone to wear masks in public.

Related: Rally Today in Concord – Reopen NH (Faster!)

(Boston Herald) All Massachusetts residents who are unable to social distance when out in public spaces such as grocery stores will now be required to wear a face mask, according to an executive order signed by Gov. Charlie Baker.

“Covering our faces when we cannot practice social distancing is an easy, critically important and essential step that every one should take,” Baker said on Friday at his afternoon press conference.

The order will go into effect on Wednesday, May 6, Baker said. The governor had previously held off on making the order and had left it up to individual cities and towns to make the call.

What happens if you choose to go au natural, sans mask, absent face covering? Baker’s order leaves that up to local authorities. But the fine if $300.00.

Who among us thinks that cash-strapped towns in the state of Taxachusetts won’t see that as an opportunity to recoup some money for the local coffers? It seems likely that people will be cited. So, New Hampshire residents who must travel into Massachusetts be aware.

If you exit your vehicle without a mask, you could be fined.

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