Let’s Poke Fun at People Wearing Masks …

Yesterday’s preschool apprentice was a riot, and we’ve got more funny for you today –  this time tinged with a bit of irony. A parody on mandatory masking, which – as we get closer to 2024  – could be coming soon to a fearmongering community near you (conspiracy theory!).

Fauci Gates Van Free Vaccines

Masks Do Not Work, But Put It On

There is no evidence that masks work at preventing the spread of COVID. It does not matter if it is cloth or paper. No one can give you definitive proof that a mask covering your nose and mouth will insulate you from the COVID-19 virus, but put it on.

N95 mask Photo by Jonathan J. Castellon on Unsplash

Toxic N95 Masks

In April of 2020, top coronavirus fearmongers, including Anthony Fauci and his coconspirators, turned on a dime from advising against wearing masks to protect against coronavirus to recommending that everyone wear masks for that purpose.

Cows Yorkshire England Original Photo by Jakob Cotton on Unsplash

British Royal Backs Face Masks for Cows ‘cuz Climate Change

There has been a great deal of discussion about bovine emissions. Ruminant mammals are the scourge of the earth and our obsession with eating them is the cause of global ills. But until recently the concern has been focused on backend “greenhouse” gasses. What about the front of the beast?

Mask wall art

Why They Are Still Wearing Masks in Maine.

The CDC changed its mask mandate guidance a few days before a letter to Biden from his Pollster became public. The letter said that mandates were bad for Dems re-election chances and how to spin the abrupt change in tactics.