Social Proof Is Crack Cocaine for Your Tiny, Defenseless Gray Cells


Are you at the end of your rope with the masking mandate that continues to drag on? Are you aware extremely powerful psychological buttons inside your brain are being used to stoke deep fear inside you and control you? I have the indisputable proof and am about to share it.

We’d like to thank Tim Carter for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

This psychology is so powerful it’s used by the police, the military, and despots around the world to control the masses under them.

The three buttons are scarcity, social proof, and authority. Scarcity is by far the most powerful one of all. Military personnel use it to extract information from an enemy soldier. Make oxygen scarce and a POW will sing like a canary. You race to businesses that say a sale is about to end. The owners are making the sale price scarce.

Your governor, and the likes of Dr. Fauci, are convincing you that you’re making your own life scarce if you don’t wear a mask. Have you taken the time to study the data? You’re terrified of a disease that has a survival rate very near 99.94 percent? And of those we send back to Heaven, most of them are older and have underlying health conditions. I can understand being afraid of yellow fever, a disease with a mortality rate of 50 percent, but not this virus that’s mastered the art of crying wolf.

Social proof is used to control you each day. You see this clever gimmick in TV commercials. When you see several strangers blab about why a product is great, your brain screams at you, “Hey, if it’s good enough for all those folks, it must be great! Take my money!”

When you see everyone in the grocery store wearing masks, your brain could easily force you to grab a bib lettuce leaf and fashion your own mask right there in the produce aisle. Social proof is crack cocaine for your tiny defenseless gray cells.

Authority is why police wear uniforms, priests wear special garments, and why shamans wear special headdresses. Put these people in normal clothes in a shopping mall and you’d scoff at advice they might offer to you. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, cable-TV show hosts, and pundits you pay homage to are pressing that authority button in your brain.

Fear blocks your brain from thinking clearly. Fear creates panic. Fear has you wearing a silly fabric or paper mask that allows the tiny COVID virus particle to pass through or around it like a BB going through a chain-link fence. Hold that fabric mask of yours up to the sun and look at it!

This book contains case studies of this psychology that’s being used to play you like a fiddle: INFLUENCE — The Psychology of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini Ph.D.

Allow the title of the book to sink in. Stop being played. Reclaim your rights and demand things go back to normal now.


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