Bananas: Town Proposes Authentic Columbo-Indigenous People’s Day

The debate over whether to celebrate Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day has reached a fever pitch as adherents to both are proposing one over the other.  However the Town of Hartford has put forward a solution that attempts to satisfy everyone.  After researching the customs of South, Meso and North Americans peoples members from … Read more

Statue Christopher Columbus Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

A Different Take on a School Board That Voted to Hold Classes on Veterans Day and Columbus Day

A curious thing has happened in Stamford, Connecticut. The school board has voted 5-3 to make teachers who hate Columbus Day and Veterans Day but were getting paid to sit on their asses – work both days. The school will be open, and regular classes will commence.

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Statue Christopher Columbus Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

Kensington & SAU 16 – The Law of Unintended Consequences

On Oct 5, 2023, while driving by the Kensington School marquee, I noticed one side of the public-paid-for-sign that said, “Indigenous Peoples Day No School Oct 9.” The other side of the public-paid-for-sign said, “Teacher in Service No School Oct 6.”

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Statue Christopher Columbus Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

Note to Dems: ‘Liberty’ is “Indigenous” to NH and America

This week, another piece of legislation was introduced in Committee to end Columbus Day. To make it indigenous people’s day (NH HB 180). In honor of, you guessed it, indigenous people who, as it turns out, are people whose ancestors were born here before yours.

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Christopher Columbus blaz-erzetic-vDPOywEkfbM-unsplash

Annie McLane-Kuster Hates Italians

So on Columbus Day, Annie McLane-Custer made it a point to commemorate “Indigenous People’s Day,” and to ignore Columbus Day:

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Kamala Harris

Kamala Thinks The World Would Be Better Off If America Had Never Existed

Kamala is absolutely correct that the European colonizers of America “ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations — perpetrating violence, stealing land and spreading disease”:

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Christopher Columbus blaz-erzetic-vDPOywEkfbM-unsplash

There Is No Room for Italians in ‘Indigenous’ Peoples’ Day

So, now we learn that Boston’s Acting Mayor Kim Janey has sparked howls of anger when she unilaterally whacked Columbus Day, replacing it with the politically correct “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.”

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Statue Christopher Columbus Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

Acting Mayor of Boston Fulfills KKK Agenda to Eliminate Columbus Day

According to the Boston news: “Boston officially recognizes Indigenous Peoples Day, replacing Columbus Day after Kim Janey signed executive order.”

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Statue Christopher Columbus Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

Exposing The “Indigenous People” in North America Lie … (Again!)

Columbus Day is only six weeks away and some folks will want to call it indigenous people’s day. But we have demonstrated on these pages repeatedly that 1) North America had no indigenous people and 2) those that came here frequently displaced others long before Columbus and long after.

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#Woke School Board Votes 8-0 to Change Every Holiday Name on The District Calendar to “Day Off”

You want to be like the other #woke School Boards, but the people who elected you aren’t having it. They get insulted when you change Columbus Day to “Indigenous People’s Day.” They don’t like it. They storm the meetings. What’s a #woke school board to do?

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dream catcher native Americans Indians

#Woke NH City Council Rejects the Idea of Recognizing “Indigenous People’s Day”

Regular readers will be familiar with this topic. #Woke progressives and their water carriers pining to remake Columbus Day into Indigenous people’s day. They’re obsessed. But North America doesn’t have any indigenous people. Not the way they argue it.

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columbus vs indigenous peoples day

If it’s Indigenous Day and You Were Born Here, Celebrate Yourself! – You’re Indigenous Too!

Another Columbus day, and you know what this means? Another round of Anti-Colonialist vs. Indigenous people’s day banter. And as usual, I am here to gum up the works. Put the monkey in the wrench. Sabotage the narrative.

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columbus vs indigenous peoples day

Fosters Poll: “Do you support the switch to Indigenous Peoples’ Day?”

Note that the headline, “Do You Support the Switch to Indigenous Peoples’ Day?,” doesn’t mention “from what?” You have to get down into the article before you realize this is just another attempt to “nudge the news” away from the traditional American heritage and history of Columbus Day.

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United States of Anxiety

Rage Against the Culture Wars

In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in an age in which the Political Correctness police wage an almost constant battle against traditional American values, culture and traditions.

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Columbus was a murderer

Teacher Wears ‘Columbus was a Murderer’ Shirt to Spark Debate in Her 5th Grade Class

Need a conversation starter with ten-year-olds? Wear a ‘Columbus was a Murderer‘ Shirt to class. No, a student didn’t wear one; that was their teacher. Emma Howland-Bolton claims she wore the sweatshirt on Columbus Day to ‘spark discussion.’ It Worked!

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columbus vs indigenous peoples day

It’s Not Columbus or Indigenous People’s Day – It’s “Squatter’s” Day

Depending on where you are in America, it is either Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day. Neither is an accurate statement of reality. Columbus ‘discovered’ an Island. And North America had no indigenous people. A more proper name for today is squatter’s day.

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Liz warren

Liz Warren Comes to NH – Says Ditch Columbus Day

Elizabeth Warren dropped in on New Hampshire to take the temperature. She needs to know if she has a reasonable chance of doing well in the first official primary. To do well, she needs to ingratiate herself to the left’s virtue signaling horde — no stretch for the Harvard professor and liberal Senator. So when the … Read more

columbus vs indigenous peoples day

On Past Observations about The Idea Of Forcing Us to Call It “Indigenous People’s Day”

The Left is an endless font. A re-gift that keeps on re-giving. And Indigenous People’s Day is no exception. (that’s Columbus Day to the rest of us). And seeing as that day is today, and the Left is still working their confidence scam, I thought it appropriate to share some excerpts from past efforts to make fun … Read more

Land-Bridge North America

There Can Be No Indigenous People’s Day – The North American Continent Doesn’t Have Any

A Democrat lawmaker has proposed legislation to follow Durham, New Hampshire’s lead and change Columbus Day to ‘Indigenous People’s’ Day. I’ve already offered my thoughts on the matter at great length so I won’t repeat those here.

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Happy Thanksgiving eh?

In recognition of finding the Bahama’s, public service union employees all across the fruited plain, get a paid day off. I’m not sure we need to “explore” this any further to get to the nexus of thought on the why’s and what for’s in this decision making process.

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