Beto - Give me your fing guns

Beto Said He’d Send Cops to Take Your Guns If You Didn’t Turn Them In. What Cops?

Democrats are a curious breed. Yes, we’ve pointed out more than once that they said we didn’t need guns cuz the police would protect us. Now they say we don’t need cops. So, Beto is going to send social workers to take our AR-15’s when we refuse to give them up voluntarily?

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Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Bobby O’Rourke “Fathoms” Ways to Stay Involved in Politics After He Said He Couldn’t

A few weeks ago, Robert Francis O’Rourke said, “I cannot fathom a scenario where I would run for public office again if I’m not the nominee.” Shortly after that, he dropped out of the race, with no nomination in hand. Shortly after that, he changed his mind about fathoms and scenarios.

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buh bye

Rich White Guy Drops out of Race for Democrat Nomination for President

He is calling quits. Hanging up his skates. Putting away his running shoes. He will no longer be trying to differentiate himself from the ideologically monochromatic socialist smear that is the left’s effort to find a challenger to Donald Trump.

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Beto gets a hair cut

Beto Promises Political Suicide if He Doesn’t Win Democrat Nomination

Bobby O’Rourke doesn’t need the job or the hassle or the money. But those are the only reasons why we should take him seriously when he says, “I cannot fathom a scenario where I would run for public office again if I’m not the nominee.”

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Beto The Sheeps

Beto’s Singing Sucks – But His Lamb Costume is Kind of Cute.

There’s a thing on Twitter about Beto being a Furry. The Liberal universe is at odds over how to address it. I guess Furry’s are not yet a large enough group to warrant an anti-discrimination campaign from the Left. Which means, people think it’s weird. And then there’s Beto.

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Mr. Give Me Your F****** Guns Pushes “Safety” Scheme In New Hampshire

Robert Francis O’Rourke wants your guns. His qualifications as a gun-grabber are sterling. He’s another Marxist Democrat. So, he knows what he means when his campaign talks, “gun safety.” And he means it when he wants it for New Hampshire.

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Beto - Give me your fing guns

Alpha Dog Firearms Sells out of Discounted “Beto AR-15s” in 4 Hours

Obama was the greatest gun salesman in US history. Beto thinks he is the vanilla Obama, but he’s not. He may however turn out to be a better gun salesman.

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Dana Loesch v Beto

Alpha Loesch vs. Beto-Male – I Just Want to Defend Myself, O’Rourke is Making Actual Threats

When a candidate for president declares that confiscation of private property is a priority for their administration, we believe them. He doesn’t just want to disarm the law-abiding citizens, he’s promising direct action, and that’s a threat. He even had t-shirts made up.

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Robert Francis O’Rourke Says He’ll Make America a Police-State … and the Socialist Mob Cheers Wildly

This: Bobby Francis O’Rourke is never going to be President of the United States. But there is a chance that one the DemocRATS he shared the debate stage will. (I use DemocRATS to refer to the politicians, pundits, operatives etc. … not the rank-and-file Democrat voters … many of whom are god people and many … Read more

GrokTalk! Microphone

GrokTALK! V3 Episode 4 – Fracking, Gun-Grabs, Supremacy, Schmidt, Brexit, Nadler, and Bathroom Politics

We’re back after an unplanned week off. The Cloud ate our podcast. Everything’s working this week and we’re firing on all cylinders, taking aim (figuratively) at the left and their ridiculous worldview.

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Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Beto-Male Update: O’Rourke Admits His Plan is to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens

Robert O’Rourke is fishing deep for Democrat primary voters. The 74% who wanted to ban AR-15’s after Parkland. The 74% of Democrats who support a mandatory Government buyback. The 64 percent who think the NRA is a Domestic Terror Group.

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Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Do NH Democrats Agree with Beto? “This country was founded on white supremacy.”

You can probably crowdsource this one for me, but how many New Hampshire Democrats agree with O’Robert O’Francis O’Rourke? About what? That America was founded on White Supremacy? Sherry Frost? Rosemarie Rung? Better question? How many don’t agree?

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Beto gets a hair cut

Beto’s Threat Risk Declines the Longer He Runs for President

Once proclaimed as the future of the Democrat Party the national stage has not been kind to Robert O’Rourke. Let me rephrase that. Robert O’Rourke was one potential future for the Democrat party. The one that live-streams their haircut.

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Which Democrat(s) Are Responsible for the Sudden Rise in Creepy Joe Biden Stories?

There is speculation brewing. Joe Biden’s popularity in the Presidential Primary is a problem. He’s got a third of the support without even announcing. So, why not take the unofficial leader out before he even enters the race?

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LOCK HIM UP – Carlos Cardona Should Be Incarcerated

This: Only Latino? Only Latino? Seriously, Carlos? Seriously? Have you not heard of BETO O’Rourke? Here’s a screen shot of his website, Carlos: It’s in Spanish, Carlos. Spanish. Because Beto is a Mexican. What’s that, Carlos? What? Beto is just a nickname? Just a nickname? Are you kidding me, Carlos? In this day and age? … Read more

Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

‘Vanilla Obama’ Update: Beto Okay With Executing Infants After They Are Born

Robert Francis O’Rourke (Vanilla Obama) should consider a gig on MSNBC. It’s a lot less work than campaigning but the empty-headed rhetoric is the same. Take protecting infants born alive – those that survived an abortion. Beto’s choice includes infanticide.

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Cuban Reminder

In the late 1950’s, Cuba experienced a revolution, led by Fidel and Raul Castro, which put that country on the path to a Socialist Dictatorship (redundant terms, I know).  During and after this revolution, many people we executed as enemies of the cause – as we know, Socialism cannot be implemented without government force or … Read more

Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Are NH Democrats Ready For The BETO “Diet?” How to Shed Your White European Heritage

Robert Francis O’Rourke is white. Elizabeth Warren might be whiter, but only because she made a fortune as a “person of color” before she had to admit she is not. But, this would be the second Democrat Presidential candidate wrongly associated with an ethnicity to which they have no right. 

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