Beto Said He’d Send Cops to Take Your Guns If You Didn’t Turn Them In. What Cops?

Steve MacDonald

Democrats are a curious breed. Yes, we’ve pointed out more than once that they said we didn’t need guns cuz the police would protect us. Now they say we don’t need cops. So, Beto is going to send social workers to take our AR-15’s when we refuse to give them up voluntarily?

Related: Mr. Give Me Your F****** Guns Pushes “Safety” Scheme In New Hampshire.

It’s an important question—an enigma wrapped in a shadow of a stupid gun-grabbing Beto.

Michael Francis O’Rourke, speaking for his party, to much applause, maybe because he said the f-word, but more likely because they are all hysterical pearl-clutching hoplophobes, said that as President (snicker) he was coming for our firearms.

When asked how he would go about doing that if, say, the average redneck rube was less than willing to part with them, he said he’d send in law enforcement. The police. And he did not mean Sting and the boyz.

Has Beto broken wind since he dropped out if the Democrat Primary because I have not heard a peep out of that guy. But this seems like a time when Beto’s should be peeping. And this is just a guess but, is he all-in on defunding the police? I’d go with yes!

So, let’s imagine Robert Francis O’Rourke as part of the Biden Harris Administration. We’ve defunded the police and outlawed scary rifles. So, who’s coming to get them when no one hands them over?


I have to be honest, having some familiarity with the 2A community they have more guns and ammo than all y’all. They are better trained, better prepared, and attached to their right to self-defense.

They will defend themselves from who?

Social workers?

If I had to guess, it would be Kamala’s stormtroopers, but there’s a problem. Most of the cops and ex-military will be on the side of the 2A folks. Social workers in Bearcats are not going to have much success. Even if they too have scary rifles.

But that’s not surprising. Democrats never think these things out. They’re just blindly pushing shiny red tyranny buttons, hoping one of them opens the magic door to utopia, and they get to run everything forever.

But the door is open. It looks like downtown Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore. It looks like downtown Seattle or Portland.

And they’re okay with that. They always were. They don’t live in those neighborhoods. It’s like any long-term engagement with corrupt Democrats by which I mean “Democrats.” A two-class system with the haves (in power) talking about how they’ll take it to the haves for the have-nots. Here’s some couch cushion money, don’t forget to vote for me again (and again and again).

The have-nots never get anything but promises and pocket change. Utopia is only for the wealthy Democrats and their donors. I know they always leave that out of the brochure.

It’s never going to happen for you, sort of like Beto being President or anyone giving him their f***king guns.

But they like to talk about it at parties and during conventions and junk, but no matter what they say this is what you should hear.

Beaver: You know what Wally? When I’m a grown-up I’m gonna tell everyone to give me their f***ing guns.
Wally: Shut up Beaver.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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