Rich White Guy Drops out of Race for Democrat Nomination for President

He is calling quits. Hanging up his skates. Putting away his running shoes. He will no longer be trying to differentiate himself from the ideologically monochromatic socialist smear that is the left’s effort to find a challenger to Donald Trump.

The Times is reporting that O’Rourke had planned to withdrawal “from the race in Iowa on Friday evening and follow up with an email message to his supporters.” According to the Times, Beto stated in a draft of the message to his supporters that “he was proud of championing issues like guns and climate change but conceded that his campaign lacked ‘the means to move forward successfully.'”

Babylon Bee had the best take, in my opinion.

U.S.—Presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has announced he is dropping out of the presidential race so that he can spend more time taking guns away from his family. “I’ve been so focused on grabbing the guns of strangers,” O’Rourke told the press, “that I’ve neglected taking away the guns of those closest to me.”

Buh-Bye, Beto. Buh Bye.

| Townhall


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