Andrew Cuomo Archives - Granite Grok

Andrew Cuomo

Poker chips falling original Photo by Apolo Photographer on Unsplash

Chips Starting to Fall

Sure looks like the Left is running with some rough sledding in spite of our frozen snow cover.  It’s not enough that Ol’ Slow Joe has messed up everything from his Afghanistan pull out, to the  Border, to the economy, to energy independence, and to foreign affairs.

angry simpsons mob

Stick a Fork In Andrew Cuomo, He’s Done!

The Cuomo has problems. His mishandling of the mishandling of his COVID19 Nursing home scandal is his undoing. He’s unpopular with his own Legislature. The FBI and DOJ are investigating him for obstruction. Cuomo is also facing civil litigation.

Some New York Dems Want Cuomo’s Emergency Powers Rescinded

Andy ‘The Rona’ Cuomo got himself a problem, you see. He sent sick people with The Virus back to the nursing homes. People died. Grandma died. Then Cuomo lied. He said it didn’t happen like that. Suppressed the actual damage he’d caused. All while the media praised him for his response and bad mothed Trump …

Some New York Dems Want Cuomo’s Emergency Powers Rescinded Read More »