I guess I either spoke too soon or underestimated the Left’s desire to be rid of Killer Cuomo, the master of NY’s nursing home massacre. Not one nor two but all four of New Hampshire’s Dem Delegation got the message. Cuomo gotta go.
It was so impressive that WMUR, the local ABC (Anything But Cuomo) affiliate, took time to report it.
Joe Biden said Cuomo needs to step down, and so do NH’s Dedicated Dems. Shaheen, Kuster, Hassan, and Pappas.
I admit I was surprised. But then yesterday’s piece suggesting they’d short walk this under a rug neglected to revisit the other big problem Dems have with Cuomo. No, not that he’ll refuse to resign; that’s a problem for later. It’s how great he handled the pandemic (their swooning, not mine) until it became painfully obvious what a lousy job he did.
The harassment scandal was alleged to be a distraction. Ass grabbing, skirt-chasing, and bawdy chatter that barely rose to the level of offense by their sitting President were hardly unusual for Dem office politics. A topic once raised that might spread like wildfire across the Left’s sexual harassment plain. Something else might have mattered more.
Cuomo killed Grandma, and both he and that story need to be gone but is the creepy, gropey predator the best way to go?
It’s the easiest, but it reminds us of President Biden, who, in all his earlier incarnations as a useless government stooge, was sniffing, touching, grabbing, and groping his way across the fruited plain. He even has a very credible association of rape the media hushed and shuffled off the national stage and his accuser Tara Reade with it.
Cuomo was the poster child receiving party-wide adulation for his handling of nursing homes and lockdowns and quarantines, oh my. But then it became obvious that the one-time rumored to be on Kamala’s VP shortlist (after they escort Biden into the sundowning sunset) had more senior citizen bodies on his dance card than harassed women.
When his own Dem legislature, the state AG, and the FBI began making noise, the sexual harassment thing just appeared, and now that the AG’s report (honest or not) is out and damning, every democrat will have to race to the nearest microphone to denounce him.
They seem serious, so whether he steps aside or not, Andy better hope he doesn’t know things, or he could end up like those Capitol police officers who keep “killing themselves.”
Exit question: does brother Chris – still playing at being a journalist – back his bro or the party line as handed down from CDD or the White House or wherever these things get started?