Some New York Dems Want Cuomo’s Emergency Powers Rescinded

Andy ‘The Rona’ Cuomo got himself a problem, you see. He sent sick people with The Virus back to the nursing homes. People died. Grandma died. Then Cuomo lied. He said it didn’t happen like that. Suppressed the actual damage he’d caused. All while the media praised him for his response and bad mothed Trump and Republican Governors. It went sideways.

Related: Andrew Cuomo is The Big Bad Wolf

Some NY Dems are looking for cover.

Democrats as a species have been supportive of the actions of folks like Cuomo. More masks, more distance, more lockdowns. Without looking, they probably backed his play, his narratives, and his emergency orders. Hey, he should have run for president, some said. Cuomo is so dreamy.Andy ‘The Rona’ Cuomo Launched a preemptive strike on Long Term Care Facilities in the Empire State and some Dems are looking for cover.

All the while, Andy was the guy with New York’s COVID19 “Nuclear codes.” He didn’t just have his finger on the button. Andy ‘The Rona’ Launched a preemptive strike on Long Term Care Facilities in the Empire State. The casualties have been enormous.

He targeted the most vulnerable and they paid the ultimate price. Denied them access to abundant beds and care offered by (ironically) the Trump administration. Joined the fearmongering over a safe and effective prophylactic and treatment (Hydroxychloroquine).  Are his chickens coming home to roost?

It’s so bad that some Democrats are saying Cuomo needs to have his emergency powers revoked.

Cuomo Dems Emergency powers

He’s not the only one who needs their emergency power wings clipped. They all do, state and Federal. But you won’t hear it from Democrats. Not often. Rarely. Maybe never. So this is special. Very special.

We’ll have to watch and see what happens. This may just be a few folks looking to replace him (come the next election) forming up but imagine the fun if they are serious?

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