Can a Female Gov in NY Fix the "Harassment Culture" in Wake of Cuomo Departure? - Nope! - Granite Grok

Can a Female Gov in NY Fix the “Harassment Culture” in Wake of Cuomo Departure? – Nope!

NYC Steeet art New York

Handy Cuomo is walking the jetway toward his departure from politics (both NY and National). His gubernatorial successor is a woman, as is hers (the new Lt. Gov. is female). There is speculation about whether this transition might solve the “harassment problem.” They are all Democrats, so I’d go with no.

As long as Democrats have control and little fear of challenge from anyone but internal party opportunists (if there’s no political advantage there’s no point), the game will remain the same. Just ask the women in Cuomo’s orbit who looked the other way in exchange for a chance to ride his then substantial political coattails.

Look at Roberta Kaplan, the leader of a group dedicated to helping harassed women fight harassment culture in the workplace. She was plotting with Cuomo to smear his accusers.

Even the head of one of the nation’s largest gay advocacy groups (rights and discrimination anyone?) was leaning forward to help Cuomo dodge these bullets.

With friends like that?

This is the Democrat Party

The problem is the politics of power. People are drawn to it and often find themselves consumed even after arriving with the best intentions. This is true in both parties but worse on the left, whose default is a totalitarian setting.

To survive in that environment, you have to believe in the state’s absolute power and the cults of personality that rise to foment it. In places like New York, Albany only cares about pandering to Dems, and most of them are in the Big Crapple to which the rest of the state is held hostage.

Stockholm syndrome is not uncommon, perpetuating the culture of harassment, but these peeps are not pondering that poison. Nor are they naive or in denial.

Many believe it will take a lot more than a few “skirts” filling big chairs to change the culture, but they’re missing the point.

The problem isn’t Albany or New York; it’s the Democrat party. Harassment is the foundation of their secular political faith. Their entire party agenda is based on harassing everyone else into compliance with their demands or using police powers to force matters.

The idea that those bred to these positions of power in that environment can be cured of any physical urge is absurd.

Whether they are straight, gay, women, or any other multitudinous face of their made-up gender spectrum, the foundation of harassment will remain.

The structure of ascension in the one-party state accepts this and abets it in the interest of making the connections necessary to rise in the ranks.

In other words, the only cure for the harassment culture in NY is fewer Democrats in a state where most of the Republicans are just Democrats with an (R) after their name.

And the only people who will ever pay the price for anything in that environment are those that need to be disappeared before other failures create problems for tyrants further up the political food chain or as a result of actions by future tyrants vying to replace them.

So, New York State is screwed because it gave its consent at the ballot box and Andy, “I did nothing wrong,” Cuomo is just their latest recent high profile (see also Spitzer and Schneiderman) poster child.

Sexual harassment will be investigated and perhaps even prosecuted but only when it needs to protect the party from larger scandal.

Just like China but there the punishment is either torture in prison or death.

We’re not quite there yet but if you look you can probably see “It” from your front porch.
