Biden Does Not Condemn Violence

Biden Does Not Condemn Violence

Joe Biden is finally tipping his cap to the leftist violence plaguing America’s major cities. For months he’s been hiding in his basement acting like nothing is going on. There have been riots in; New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, and Seattle, among other cities.

Riots in minneapolis

Minnesota Wants $500 Million for Riot Repairs, President Trump says, No!

If Democrat mayors and governors who let the mobs have their way with the local landscape thought the Feds would bail them out on repair costs they better think again. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz bellied up to the federal trough and asked for $500 million to rebuild and Mr. Trump said nope.

Call Audio Leaked by Ukrainian MP: Quid Pro Joe Biden and John Kerry Leverage Cash for Favors

Remember when Joe Biden bragged about holding back a Billion in American Taxdollars to get Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating a company on whose Board his son Hunter sat? Good times. We now have audio of actual phone calls where Biden and even John Kerry engaged in this quid pro quo.

South Philly Opens Supervised Drug Injection Site – Is Your Neighborhood Next?

In South Philadelphia residents are outraged. A nonprofit called Safehouse took a community by surprise. It did so by announcing the opening of a supervised “shooting gallery.” The non-profit is opening a drug-injection site in their neighborhood this week.

Paging Senator Feltes

Paging Senator Feltes! Better Call Your Office!

Whoops! Senator Dan Feltes’ campaign has been running ads with blatant lies…. and NHPR caught him in the act! NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise Senator Dan Feltes, a gubernatorial hopeful, has been running ads railing against PAC and LLC donations. The trouble is, he’s been taking them himself … Read more


Pelosi – ‘One Way or Another,’ Trump Will Not Be President in Ten Months

Nancy Pelosi, the titular head of the DC Democrat cabal is making promises. That Donald Trump will not be president in 2021, maybe sooner, “one way or another.” Is that like saying Nancy Pelosi won’t be the House Speaker in 2021, one way or another?

Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending Bill

The Trillion Dollar Omnibus Returns

The trillion dollar omnibus spending bill returns! Hoo-ray! Omnibus:om·ni·bus/ˈämnəˌbəs/Learn to pronounce adjective 1. comprising several items. “Congress passed an omnibus anticrime spending package” (reformatted, Google Dictionary) Ah, a trillion dollar spending bill. It actually comes with a second part. Collectively, the two bills are two thousand three hundred and thirteen pages. 2,313. Congress critters are … Read more

BRCC Mixed Rounds

Black Rifle Coffee Company Responds After Starbucks Barista Writes ‘PIG’ On Officers Cup

Early on, Starbucks was an innovative free-market success story. But after a while, they became pretentious liberal privileged social-justice douchebags. We treat them accordingly. So, this story makes us smile. 


7 out of 10 Voters Believe in America First

I’ll close out my blogging day with a bit of bad news for Democrats. A recent poll found that 70% of those asked were America-First voters. That the United States needs to take care of its business before everyone else.

US Attorney John Durham

BREAKING NEWS: John Durham’s Look into DOJ Malfeasance over Russia-Gate is now a Criminal Investigation

US Attorney John Durham is shifting gears. His inquiry into the DOJ and US Intelligence apparatus concerning their handling of an investigation into Mr. Trump is now a criminal investigation.

fear 2

Why does public education fear school choice?

Over 90% of today’s school-age children attend public schools, with the remaining going to private schools and home education programs. But, heaven forbid, a person speaks up about a bad experience with the public schools or why they chose an alternative for their children.

Jerry Nadler

House Judiciary Considers Federal Gun Control

The US House of Representatives on the Judiciary today considered three federal gun control packages that would bring Commiefornia or Marxichusetts type ‘gun control’ laws to the entire nation. H.R. 1236 – Extreme Risk Protection Orders You should know about ERPO (Red Flag Laws) by now if you read GraniteGrok regularly, but if you don’t … Read more

The Myth of Gerrymandering

I have been very active on twitter opposing HB 706, the misnamed (purposefully) “Independent Redistricting Commission” and supporting the Governor’s veto.  For example: I recently had a twitter skirmish with a Socialist-robot who was apoplectic that HB 706 had been vetoed. In part: To be clear, of course the GOP attempted to “gerrymander” in 2012. … Read more

Jeb bradley Lincoln-Lafayette-cropped-1024x638

Bradley’s Bipartisan Biomass Bailout 2.0 – Rape Ratepayers or Die

The Concord Cronyism is reaching new heights as a new effort emerges to use government to force ratepayers to pay more for electricity.

Dem’s Using Russia Narrative To Silence Speech They Oppose

David Harsanyi writing in The Federalist wades into the latest on the #Releasethememo kerfuffle. The “memo” is rumored to outline FBI abuses some would have made public. Democrats (why is it always Democrats?) are scrambling to block the memo or discredit its contents, among them Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff; who are suggesting that the Russians … Read more

NH Democrats Embarrass Themselves with Lawsuit Over Election Law Bill

Today it was reported by WMUR that the New Hampshire Democrat Party is filing a lawsuit over Senate Bill 3 (SB3), AN ACT relative to domicile for voting purposes. The bill was passed by both the house and senate and was signed by Governor Sununu in July. The bill not only had the support of … Read more

Waterville Valley: Chris Sununu’s lies, Islamic ties and business failure

Last week, Kevin Landrigan of the Union Leader shared a story from Politico Pro that pointed out Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Chris Sununu’s lie about Waterville Valley only having local investors. Sununu made the claim about having only local investors back in 2010 when he purchased the resort. Sununu often talked about local control and even … Read more

A Corrupt Republican Supports Hillary Clinton: NH Democrats get all Excited

This morning a letter to the editor was published by Republican Elizabeth Tamposi who claimed Hillary Clinton “is the only choice for Republicans.” Well, sure, if you like corruption like Clinton.

New WMUR/CNN NH Primary Poll – Bad News For Christie and Kasich

As the First in the Nation New Hampshire primary approaches both Christie (Tough guy friend of the second amendment-not!) and Kasich (prince of light and hope) have been appearing to climb but a new WMUR/CNN poll just beat those narratives into submission. Not only are they both stuck at or back down to 6%, their favorability … Read more

ACCCE Statement on Senator Kelly Ayotte’s Support for President Obama’s Costly and Illegal Clean Power Plan

For Immediate Release: 10.29.15 Contact: Laura Sheehan (202) 459-4867 @Laura_A_Sheehan ACCCE Statement on Senator Kelly Ayotte’s Support for President Obama’s Costly and Illegal Clean Power Plan Washington, D.C. — American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity Senior Vice President of Communications Laura Sheehan today issued the following statement regarding Senator Kelly Ayotte’s support for President Obama’s costly … Read more