What do the Twitter Files say?

The government is highly involved in policing social media. That is the gist of it, but let’s get more specific.

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Twitter Files Part II – Hell Yeah, Twitter Shadowbanned You! They Also Had Blacklists!

Elon Musk has been keeping the Lib-Trolls busy as they try to excuse all the blatant partisan BS they denied was happening on Twitter. Just another right-wing conspiracy that turned out to be true.

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The Twitter-Files … You Can’t Believe Anything From NH-NeverTrump Journal Ever Again

There is no longer any denying it. The Twitter-Files PROVE that the 2020 election was RIGGED on many, many, levels. So where is the apology, or at least the recanting, by NH-NeverTrump Journal that there is NO EVIDENCE that the 2020 election was rigged, that Biden beat Trump fair-and-square, that if you question the propriety … Read more

Congressman Devin Nunes Files 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Twitter

Twitter has admitted to shadowbanning tweets and individuals. The practice of hiding content “from the community” the creator can still see in their own feed. Congressman Devin Nunes (R- CA) thinks he has a case. He has filed a lawsuit against Twitter for 250 million dollars.

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Government Funded Media Mad at Twitter for Being Tagged as Government Funded Media

If you missed it, Public Radio and its affiliate internet footprints are abandoning Twitter. The platform has begun tagging them as “state-affiliated” or “government-funded media,” and they are outraged. How dare you label us!

From the “They’ll Never Know What Snow is” Files – Grand Canyon Edition

One of the dumber things Democrats said when their global economic redistribution scheme was still called ‘Global Warming’ was that kids would grow up to know snow. It would be rare or nonexistent. That was circa 2008 or earlier. Things have changed.

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If Dems Need Permission to Talk About That … So, Will You

There were many ‘casualties’ after the Wu Han Flu over the cuckoo’s nest (do you think the socials will break that bit of code?), not the least of which were First Amendment Rights enumerated as natural and inviolable in the US Constitution. Association and assembly under the bus, followed by any opinions, messaging, evidence, precedent, … Read more

Is Brazil’s War on Speech a ‘Test’ by US and UK Censorship Assets?

Columbia is famous for its coffee, and Brazil is renowned for its censorship. At least it is now. And while censorship in some form is not uncommon anywhere in the world, recent events in Brazil, led by Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Justice Alexandre de Moraes, have opened a whole new door.

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With 9-0 Decision SCOTUS Tells Public Officials How Blocking People on Social Media Could Get them Sued

I like to harp on local House Reps, typically Democrats, who block people on social media that disagree with their public political statements, positions, or advocacy. Now, I can say they should have seen this coming, especially those who praised the courts for smacking then-President Trump around for doing the same thing.

The Science of Censorship – NSF Spent 39 Million to Suppress Free Speech and Public Debate

The cabal of US Intelligence agencies responsible for the censorship industrial complex can welcome a new member. New to us. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has been fingered in a new Congressional report alleging tens of millions were spent on AI to censor the public.

Night Cap: What’s Wrong with Censorship?

Is there such a thing as one single source of truth? Is it the government, social media platforms, TV, radio, a book, or a political party? Probably not. All of these things come from people, and we all make mistakes. Nobody is right all of the time about everything.

The New Civic Listening Corps is a Government Funded Society-Wide Network of Snitches

You can’t have a proper tyranny without a vast network of informants ratting out friends and neighbors, but the Twitter files and interviews with folks like Mike Benz have put a hitch in the surveillance state’s steps. Encrypted chat apps are another problem, but the uniparty is nothing if not persistent.

Mind Blowing Revelations on Government Censorship And Election Interference

It turns out the Censorship Industrial Complex is not just real. It is a lot more complex than you likely imagined. It is currently centered in the US under the Department of Homeland Security, but there are a lot of players and moving parts, as explained by Tucker’s latest Guest, Mike Benz. And they meddle … Read more

Unhinged Democrats

Anti-Book Banning Dems Have a Huge Problem: Biden White House Pressured Amazon to Ban Books

Democrats (mostly) have been arguing that removing age-inappropriate “books” from schools is book banning. They can’t shut up about it, but anyone can get these books with a few clicks electronically (for the groomer in a hurry) or in print in a handful of days. But the idea of “banning books” has a visceral feel.

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Congress Trusts, I Don’t. Do You?

Senator Rand Paul, in his talk, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up, at Hillsdale’s College Washington campus, exposes many revelations of unknown nefarious facts about the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and their major role in initiating gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.

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Remember When the Political Left Wanted a Return to the Fairness Doctrine? That’ll Never Happen Again

If we learned anything at all from the drama that was COVID, it is that the government does not take your natural rights, or their protection, seriously. It is not interested in any opinion that is not its own, and using force to get its way is always an option. This should scare more people … Read more

NewsGuard: Surrogate the Feds Pay to Keep Watch on the Internet and Be a Judge of the Truth

In May 2021, L. Gordon Crovitz, a media executive turned start-up investor, pitched Twitter executives on a powerful censorship tool.  In an exchange that came to light in the “Twitter Files” revelations about media censorship, Crovitz, former publisher of the Wall Street Journal, touted his product, NewsGuard, as a “Vaccine Against Misinformation.”

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The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a “Populist Opposition” Government

One of the most eventful things to have happened recently was from an unexpected source. The State Department and the intelligence apparatus didn’t initiate any coups somewhere in the Third World, the Kremlin didn’t launch a blitzkrieg and capture Kiev, and a currency from the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) hasn’t … Read more

The Dangerous Trend Toward Uniformity of Opinion and Perception

One of my favorite lines from something I wrote a few years back is that to a Democrat, Diversity is a room full of people who look different but think the same. That it is acceptable to be colorblind if everyone agrees with you on everything, without exception.

The Censorship Industrial Complex Exposes the Kleptocracy’s True Intentions

In the past decade, the growth of the Internet and social media has brought with it a dramatic uptick in populist sentiment. Legacy institutions have declared war against populism, referring to its claims as “misinformation” or “disinformation” and calling on the government or government-adjacent actors (herein referred to as “the censors”) to clamp down on … Read more