The Trillion Dollar Omnibus Returns


The trillion dollar omnibus spending bill returns! Hoo-ray!

om·ni·bus/ˈämnəˌbəs/Learn to pronounce


1. comprising several items.
“Congress passed an omnibus anticrime spending package” (reformatted, Google Dictionary)

Ah, a trillion dollar spending bill. It actually comes with a second part. Collectively, the two bills are two thousand three hundred and thirteen pages. 2,313. Congress critters are being given less than 24 hours to read the bills (as if) before they vote to suspend the rules tomorrow and pass said bills.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Same thing happened in the New Hampshire legislature two months ago. And, just like in New Hampshire, DC swamp rats are stuffing items unrelated to spending into the spending bill.

Is there really any wonder why Americans overwhelmingly distrust their government? Is it a wonder why congress has lower approval ratings than hemorrhoids, herpes, and Nickelback (heh?)

These 535 clowns make $174,000 a year each, with more allotted for leadership in each body. They each have a staff in DC, and at home in their district. This is vastly different than the way things work in New Hampshire: salary and staff don’t exist here for legislators. But, apparently the mechanics of jamming legislation through works just the same. NH likely learned from DC, not vice versa. It’s terrible none-the-less.

Tomorrow’s(?) vote on this trillion dollar omnibus spending package is pre-destined, most likely. Congress, after all, hasn’t met a spending package it didn’t like in quite some time. Both parties have routinely voted for huge increases in spending, government growth, and more regulation of your daily life. So, what’s stuffed in this version?

The “smoking” age will be raised to 21. New Hampshire Democrats tried that too, but had to settle for 19, temporarily. If the “Feds” raise it to 21, they’ll have a victory after all. And the Feds WILL raise it. They can’t possibly go home without voting to suspend the rules, spend a trillion dollars, impeach a President, and pass USMCA. Heaven forbid they do their due diligence, skip a vacation for once, and earn their pay.

Other items stuffed into the 2,313 pages are biodiesel and beer credits. Who knows what else is in there. As good ole Nancy Pelosi is fond of saying, ‘we’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it.’ (Paraphrased.)

Whatever is in it, you can be sure that most of it is bad for your freedom, your liberty, and the national debt. Just like always.

Some Less Swampy Congress Critters

Thomas Massie, Republican Representative from Kentucky, is apparently one of the few who actually care in Congress. If there’s a congressman to follow on Twitter, it is he:

Read the bills (if you have time!)




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