“Inclusive Excellence” – Making Future Generations Incapable of Defending Free Speech

This past July the University of New Hampshire came under fire for its Bias-Free Language Guide. The Guide, produced under the University’s Inclusive Excellence program (which STILL has its Facebook page, don’t-ya-know), was ordered removed by UNH President Mark Huddleston after a national media pig-pile of stories. You will be hard pressed to find the words inclusive … Read more

Cover Your Own A**

In Part II of our interview with Ed Naile we discuss progressive voter-fraud nests, Red Files, and how neither the NH AG’s office, nor the Secretary of State can be trusted to do more than cover their own ass or the ass or those who pull their strings. Listen to the entire podcast here Follow … Read more

Then act like the EPA is the Taliban and just wait their asses out

EPA CO2 Regs ‘The Most Fundamental Transformation’ Of US Power The head of a major U.S. utility said EPA rules to fight global warming will fundamentally transform the way America generates and delivers electricity to millions of residents.  Gerry Anderson, Chairman and CEO of the utility DTE Energy, told the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that the … Read more

Senate Passes Keystone XL 62-36

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 29, 2015 Contact: Greg Moore, 603-303-9297 or GMoore@afphq.org                                AFP-NH on Keystone XL Senate Passage CONCORD — Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire State Director Greg Moore released this statement following the Senate’s final passage of … Read more

Darlene Pawlik – Right To Life Update

Darlene Pawlik is back for the GT RTL Update.  We talk about the March for Life this coming Saturday (with featured speaker Catherine Adair).  We also touch on health standards, government sanctioned murder of people, pocket-picking Planned Parenthood, and discuss the current state of life issues as well as some likely legislation for the coming … Read more

Intelligence Failure Leads To Dead Americans – Democrats Couldn’t Be Happier

A report released on Friday got Democrats doing a happy dance over Benghazi.  (For Ann Kuster supporters, that’s a city in Libya).  The report has been spun to clear the CIA and White House of deliberately misleading the public.  So it looks like four Americans were murdered by terrorists because the White House, State, and … Read more

Moms Demand Action SWATting You Today

“Birds of a lawless, bigoted feather bully together.”—Michelle Malkin “Swatting,” is the act of engaging public emergency services with information that evokes a response consistent with a critical incident, such as a burglary in progress or a gunman in a public place.  Swatting is a hoax. Its a prank…and it is also, illegal. Moms Demand … Read more

Republican House Gave CDC More Money Than Obama Requested

Atlanta Business Journal (The CDC is in Atlanta if you forgot) Jan 17th, 2014 ( That’s 9 months ago) CDC Wins Big Budget Deal The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will see an 8.2 percent budget increase for fiscal 2014, thanks to a $1.1 trillion spending bill announced by Congress Jan. 13. This influx … Read more

Barack Obama’s List Of Historic Firsts

It is difficult to keep track of all the Obama firsts but someone took the time and we should thank him.  This list is quite comprehensive and even broken out into six sections, so you can find the perfect ‘First’ to shut-up that Democrat-talking-points-chowder-head who just wont stop. Complied by Doug Ross – list on … Read more

GrokTALK! July19th, 2014 Greg Moore, Dan Hynes, and Jack Kimball

This week on GrokTALK! our guests are Greg Moore from AFP New Hampshire on holding Jeanne Shaheen and Ann Kuster accountable on Health Care, Mike Rogers calls in from California to talk about Israel.  Dan Hynes, candidate for NH State Senate drops in to talk state versus private markets, and Jack Kimball joins us to … Read more

519 “Well Sourced” Examples of Barrack Obama’s Lying, Corruption, Law-Breaking, and Cronyism

Someone, bless their heart, has compiled a well-sourced (their words) list of 519 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, corruption, law-breaking and cronyism. I am posting it as is with the understanding that it may take me days or even weeks to go through it, if I ever do manage to get through it. I encourage … Read more

The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves…

The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves…..to other people’s money under threat of fines or imprisonment?  Not likely. But that is apparently the lesson to be learned after vandals aligned with the Party of Civility® (that’s sarcasm people) wrote a message on the side of the NH-GOP Headquarters in Concord, shown Below. WWJD usually means … Read more

Is it a Recovery or is it a Coma? (Hint: It’s the Barack Obama/Jeanne Shaheen Coma!)

It is not a recovery unless by recovery you mean that we have been put into a coma…for reasons you are free to speculate on yourselves. “Household incomes are still down 4.4% since the recession ended four years ago…” “…the inflation-adjusted median household income remains $2,380 below where it stood when the Obama “recovery” officially … Read more

#OccupyRapSheet (So Far)

Direct from John Nolte at Big Government, we have a list things that the left wing and Democrats support and we can only assume emulate.

William Jasmin: Alcohol Level Was .16 When He Fell

“Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can’t remember if it’s the thirteenth or fourteenth.”—George Burns William Jasmin of Manchester is suing Charlie Corliss of Epsom where he suffered from injuries sustained when he fell from a tree stand on Corliss’ property, first alleged that he was, “hunting”.  Jasmin … Read more

It’s Not Easy Being Green…

In a profanity strewn diatribe before the Aspen Institute, Gore said mean things about scientists who must be on the payroll of some arch-nemesis bent on brainwashing everyone into letting the evil genius destroy the planet. This, as opposed to all the “scientists” (economists, journalists, confidence men) who have been hiding the decline or crowding out dissent to keep the billions in taxpayer dollars rolling in to keep them “on message.”

Obama’s Debt Limit Plan = No Results

Search yielded no results

The Media’s New Peep Show

Several in the New Hampshire dead tree press, and their digital protrusions, are jumping on the latest trend in information sharing (or lack of it, actually), the registration wall. The registration wall is similar to the pay-wall except that you can receive limited access (or metered) content for free, but only up to a point. It’s the velvet rope that leads to another velvet rope from which you can see through the open door, but no more.

A Brief History of President Obama’s Fiscal Record

Despite new-found concern with the debt overhang stifling economic growth, President Obama’s record falls far short of his rhetoric. Let’s review the decisions made by President Obama and Congressional Democrats over the past couple of years, and the disappointing results of their policy choices:

The Grok on WGIR – Friday morning edition

Audio: Once again, the ‘Grok was on the Morning show from 6 – 6:30 with Jeff Chidester and crew to talk about what’s going on in the blogosphere.  We talked a little about: The agenda that the Democrats and the Communist Party USA seem to share (H/T: Grokster Steve).  We also started on education with … Read more