ATF’s Project Gun Runner: An Object Lesson In Corruption, Lies And Cover-ups

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Another Whack at RGGI

..what I find particularity perverse is that “Republican” Senators in New Hampshire could be tying themselves to the Massachusetts compromise as the tipping point at which staying in RGGI would then no longer make sense.

Follow The Big Blue Bread Crumbs

Democrats are hypocrites. Need more proof, just look to Obama care, and the billions it has handed out to big business, Big Union business in particular Yes, a union is a huge business, one that donates tens of millions to democrats.

Sharron Angle Coming to New Hampshire! Sign up to see her now.

VISIT RLCNH.ORG >> Join RLCNH for a special receptionfeaturing Sharron Angle A leader in the TEA Party movement and long time defender of liberty, Sharron Angle has never shied from a fight. She is best known on the national scene for her courageous run for US Senate against public enemy #1—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Sharron … Read more

Smoke Em After You Buy Em…In New Hampshire

First the basics. Wyler thinks cutting the tax by a buck a carton will actually increase revenue by attracting more out of state traffic. Ken is correct. A larger cut would be better, but I guess we can crawl before we walk. And with that in mind, lets review why it will raise more revenue. And I’m not even going to have to go very far for a decent flashback.