Loretta Brady

St. Anselm prof: It’s Cruel to Stop Men from Competing in Women’s Sports

St. Anselm College professor Loretta Brady submitted testimony in opposition to both HB1251, the NH House Save Women’s Sports bill, and SB480, the NH Senate Save Women’s Sports bill. Both bills aim to ban the participation of biological males in female-designated public school sports in New Hampshire.

New Age, New Problem: Transwoman Inmate Accused of Sexual Assault in Women’s Prison

Jailing criminals by gender preference is a thing. It’s a liberal-Democrat thing, and ridiculous for the obvious reasons.  Penises confined with vaginas. Things happen. Unwanted things. Things that get you sent to jail. Unless you are already in jail.


NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 3/13/20

To my constituents in Allenstown, Epsom, & Pittsfield:  This week, the House took Tuesday off for town election day, and then met Wednesday and Thursday on 400 bills. Thursday was the deadline for all House bills except the 129 that are in a second committee, so we had to act on all of them before … Read more

Boy whose mom says he is a girl

Mom Wants to Transition 7-Year Old Son Because She Wanted a Daughter – Jury Says, Go Ahead!

If you missed the story, mom wants a daughter. She’s been telling her son he’s a girl since he was three. Dressing him up. Painting his nails and treating him like a girl. Dad says he should be a boy. A Judge just said Mom can poison him and make him a girl.

Brookline Library DQST

Brookline Library Employee Defends Allowing Adult Sex Performers to Read to Children

Brookline Public Library employee Keith Thompson is defending library use of tax dollars. He says locals are out to defund the library because of  “one program.” What program?

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Planned Parenthood to Pre-Schoolers: “Boy” and “Girl” are Just Words

‘It’s never too late for an abortion’ would look great on their bumper sticker. Especially now. Planned Parenthood has expanded beyond its core purpose (killing the unborn) to advancing cultural views that lead to suicide.

Is Confusing Your Kids About Gender a Form of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?

 A parent or guardian foments or perpetuates a condition in a child. They then feed off the supposed psychological benefits of the public act of care, treatment, or even acceptance of that condition. It is regarded as both a mental health issue and a form of child abuse.

Conway Public Library

The Conway Public Library is Hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour

The Conway Public Library is hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour. If you didn’t know, “Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Socialism - Power over people

The Time has Come for Independents, Libertarians, and Even Republicans To Stop Carrying The Left’s Water

The Left’s ultimate goal is never what they claim. Each and every plea, policy, or plan has a goal other than that which is stated. They do not care about you or your “problem” unless it advances their pursuit of power. And only for as long as it takes to secure it such that you … Read more

gender vs sex

Democrat Socialism Watch: Canadian Speech Police Threaten Arrest If Dad Refers to his Daughter as a Girl

Europe and Canada are, in many ways, further along the spectrum of cultural identity-politics decline. It makes them a good barometer for what is coming our way. A court in Canada, for example, has “declared a father guilty of family violence for his polite refusal to refer to his daughter as a boy in private.”

Stalin – #2 undermine America’s morality

Having written my post that explored Communist Joe Stalin’s words as a riff on Steve’s post, I just stared when I saw this over at Instapundit: Morality?  As the Progressives increasing decide that subject after subject, issue after issue, that there should be “No Stigma” – what traditional social mores are left that keep that … Read more

Cornerstone Legislative Update

By Steve’s In-Box Tell your Senator NO on Assisted Suicide Senate Bill 490’s title says it’s about studying end of life choices. The testimony of the chief sponsor, Sen. Martha Hennessey, said something else: the bill is a step toward bringing an assisted suicide law to New Hampshire. Read Cornerstone’s full statement about SB 490. The Senate will be voting … Read more

Farmington NH High School Lets a Left Wing Activist Propagandize Kids in the Classroom

On November 28th the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union shared news on Facebook about ACLU Community Organizer Daniel Pontoh’s presentation to Farmington High School students. The subject was social justice activism, and how they can create the change they wish to see in the world and in NH with the passage of the Transgender Bill … Read more

Hey NECN! If You Want to Honestly Report on ‘Bloody’ Histories…

Type of rifle used in Orlando has bloody history. https://t.co/ns5AYpoG7M pic.twitter.com/DwSKnwfVa7 — NECN (@NECN) June 13, 2016 New England Cable News (NECN) has this nifty tweet and “article” about the evil rifle (which is just a tool) that shot people in Orlando, and its bloody history. No mention at all about the ideology of the … Read more

Progressives: Never wasting a chance to force us all to be “better” (as opposed to persuasion)

OK, I admit it – this may not be a stellar post.  Am fighting a bit of writer’s block, I’ve finally determined that the only therapy for this is to start typing and what ever keys my fingertips tap will be it.  I appreciate your indulgence… Homosexual marriage – the Progressives are always trying to … Read more

NH Dems: A good time to create death panels

  After attending a hearing with the Judiciary Committee this morning, one thing’s for sure, the Democrats are back at it again.  They are trying to push through MORE radical legislation this year.   The Judiciary Committee met today to hear proposed amendments to HB 304 which is a physician assisted suicide bill.   Yes, in the … Read more